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María del Mar Prieto López
Escuela de Educación Infantil de El Franco
Antonio Torralba-Burrial
Dpto. Ciencias de la Educación - Universidad de Oviedo
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021), Innovation in science education, pages 55-70
Submitted: May 3, 2021 Accepted: Sep 5, 2021 Published: Nov 16, 2021
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In view of the growing disconnect between society in general and childhood in particular and nature and the environment in which we live, a didactic experience was created to re-establish that connection from early childhood through Environmental Education at school. A teaching sequence was designed based on bees, a pollinating insect used as a teaching resource to interrelate the natural and cultural environments, and implemented among children aged 0-3 years at a rural school in Asturias. Teaching resources and adapted activities were created, combining the classroom, the schoolyard, the school garden and learning beyond the classroom, to highlight the importance of biodiversity, diversified use of natural resources and establishing a direct relationship with the natural environment from an early age. The experience was very well received by the children, especially the hands-on and outdoor activities.


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