The First Liturgical Adjustments in the Archive of the Central Pontifical Commission for Sacred Art in Italy
Vatican II, Giovanni Fallani, Sacred Architecture, The Central Papal Commission for Religious Works of ArtAbstract
Since 1924, The Central Papal Commission for Religious Works of Art in Italy, an organ of The Holy See, with advisory and executive functions, has been operating with the aim of protecting and promoting sacred art. More than 6000 projects have been submitted to the Commission over about 60 years.
Giovanni Fallani was the president of this Papal Commission during the Second Vatican Council. He is the drafter of the chapter included in the document Sacrosantum Concilium, concerning the art into the liturgy.
From the fund counting, recently inventoried in the Vatican Secret Archive, we can reconstruct an unpublished cross-section regarding the ways of churches adaptation in the aftermath of the Council. In detail our researches focused on the compliance level of the projects with the liturgy and sacred art precepts by those who had actively participated into the provisions drafting.
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- Universidade da Coruña
AAVV. 1973. Notiziario della CEI, 2 (1 de marzo): 32-38.
ASV/PCCASI/AG. Arquivio Segreto Vaticano, Pontificia Commissione Centrale per l’Arte Sacra en Italia, Archivo General, # carpeta, # fascículo. Ciudad del Vaticano.
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