Space forming a community, community forming a space

Architectural evaluation of idealized form for Protestant Churches in Europe after 1918


  • Zorán Vukoszávlyev BME - Faculty of Architecture



Europe, Modern Church Architecture, Protestant Theological Fundaments, Church Typology, Community


The identity is expressed in a self-picture, which has visible and immaterial marks. The church architecture is the essential appearance form of this, because it represents not the individual but the community. It gives an account of the self-identity conscience of the church through the community. In this way, architecture gets a great task: physically visualising this immaterial identity. This picture is formed with respect to the technical and aesthetic knowledge.
Does the basically recognizable protestant form exist? Are there ground-plans or spatial form elements, which are the obligate characteristics of these churches? Reflected well on the theological questions, we seek to detect what can determine the identity of the protestant churches in an aesthetic sense by a research highlighting the most important decesions on theological background and churches built in a term of a century.


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How to Cite

Vukoszávlyev, Z. (2017). Space forming a community, community forming a space: Architectural evaluation of idealized form for Protestant Churches in Europe after 1918. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 5, 26–51.