Perception of Latin America’s church architecture in the time of II Vatican Council

Studies from East-Central Europe


  • Zorán Vukoszávlyev BUTE Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments



Eastern Europe, space organization, liturgical plan systems, oppression


Events of World War II resulted in significant social changes from 1945. This is considered to be the main motive behind the attempts for transforming the Catholic sacral space, defining the Christ-centered Church. While in most parts of the Catholic world it was a result of a natural, internal process, these changes didn’t make an effect in the Eastern European countries occupied by the Soviet Union, because religion and religiousness became persecuted under the newly established world order. The political powers professing atheist ideology and communist concepts considered the Church as the main power opponent of their own system. Not only in ideological sense, but also because of the Holy See’s organizational structure that spans state borders. The article interprets the presence of the effects of liturgic reforms, in correspondence with the Eastern politics of the Holy See.


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How to Cite

Vukoszávlyev, Z. (2015). Perception of Latin America’s church architecture in the time of II Vatican Council: Studies from East-Central Europe. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 4, 46–53.