Obvious or hidden

Evolution of forms used for temporary or permanent small sacral spaces at the turn of the millennium


  • Zoran Vukoszávlyev Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments




Hierarchy, mistery, geometric order, sacred secret


Studies examining the orientation of Christian sacred spaces have appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. The reinterpretation of the relationship between functional elements placed in space has also investigated the issue of hierarchy. The symbolic position of these sacral space-elements is decisive also within the community engaged in the liturgy. With the changing liturgical concepts, the issue of central or longitudinal use of space has determined the whole 20th century. At the same time, around the turn of the millennium an intensified need has emerged, which used the symbolism of hidden secret in the concept of the access to sacral spaces instead of a direct approach that had previously been usual for hundreds of years. The indirect path, designed with changes of direction, was composed with the logic of discovery and gradual understanding. It is particularly interesting that this architectural composition appears typically in ephemeral—like temporary buildings or in small sacral spaces formed simply, only with a few architectural means.


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Author Biography

Zoran Vukoszávlyev, Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments

Architect, monument protection specialist. He graduated in 1996 from the Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He was awarded grants for his scientific research, an MTA-OTDT Pro Scientia Gold-prize, an Eötvös Scholarship of the Hungarian State and a Bolyai Researcher Grant from the Hungarian Academy of Sciencies. He received his PhD degree in 2003. At present, he is a associate professor at the Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments (BUTE). He is a lecturer of contemporary architecture and sacral architecture and a supervisor on PhD-program of BUTE. In 2002 he established Sacral Architecture Studio, a research-course on contemporary sacral architecture at BUTE. He is an author on architectural issues, curator of contemporary architectural exhibitions and lecturer of several international conferences (Bangkok, Ourense, Washington, Kielce, Venice, Brüssels, Tokyo, Shanghai). He authored the book «Kortárs holland építészet», co-edited «Új evangélikus templomok / New Lutheran Churches» and co-authored «Contemporary Portuguese Architecture».


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How to Cite

Vukoszávlyev, Z. (2013). Obvious or hidden: Evolution of forms used for temporary or permanent small sacral spaces at the turn of the millennium. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 3, 64–71. https://doi.org/10.17979/aarc.2013.3.0.5086