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Mónica Aznar-Cebamanos
Department of Corporal Expression, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain
Francisco Javier Gil-Espinosa
Department of Languages, Arts and Sports, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Malaga, Andalusia-tech, Malaga, Spain
Vol. 8 No. 3 (2022), Original papers, pages 491-513
Submitted: Apr 6, 2022 Accepted: Aug 16, 2022 Published: Sep 1, 2022
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On March 14, 2020, a State of Alarm was declared throughout Spain, and the educational system underwent a change that led to the reformulation of many aspects of the teaching-learning process. In Spain, the Autonomous Communities (AACC) assumed the delegation of responsibilities to act in their territorial scope and adapt the restrictions by territorial areas according to the incidence of Covid-19 infections. Subsequently, many studies supported the decision of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training for the academic year 2020-2021, on the need for the attendance of educational classes, entrusting each AACC and educational center to specify contingency plans or safety protocols, with the aim of ensuring the maximum possible attendance of students in Secondary Education. The aim of this work is to describe and learn about the difficulties encountered by Physical Education (PE) teachers when teaching during the 2020-2021 school year, in relation to four dimensions: time for physical-sports practice, use of facilities, use and cleaning of material, and decisions of the management team regarding the subject of PE. An ad hoc survey was designed, with the participation of a total of 740 PE teachers in Spain, distributed among the 17 AACC. The results show a decrease in motor engagement time, difficulties in working on some objectives and evaluation criteria due to the impossibility of using specific materials or classrooms, because of a disparity of criteria and approaches used by the different AACC.


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