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Edison Arias Moreno
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Libertad
Edson García-Díaz
Autonomous University of Madrid
Freddy Rodríguez-Torres
University Central of Ecuador
Santiago Guerrero-González
Central University of Ecuador
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022), Original papers, pages 152-175
Submitted: Dec 3, 2021 Accepted: Jan 3, 2022 Published: May 1, 2022
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The pedometer is considered an effective tool for the control and measurement of physical activity, becoming a motivating tool to increase the number of steps in children and adolescents. The objective of this study is to analyze the differences in the physical activity of Ecuadorian schoolchildren, through the measurement and control of the frequency of steps taken during the course of a day; considering gender, age, presence or absence of Physical Education class and the current recommendations of steps/day. The sample consisted of 50 schoolchildren (27 males and 23 females, mean ± standard deviation: 1.46 (+0.5), first year high school students of the "Don Bosco La Tola" Educational Center in Quito-Ecuador. An Omron HJ-152-E pedometer was used; analyzing the young people in terms of compliance with the established recommendations (11,000 steps/day). Descriptive analysis was performed, as well as frequency analysis, to see if there were significant differences, the T-student test was performed for the variables of gender, age and paired data. The results show that adolescents comply with the minimum recommendations when they take Physical Education classes (Day+PE1= 11.067 s/d and Day+ PE 2= 11.413 s/d); evidencing the need to propose strategies to promote physical activity on days when Physical Education classes are not taken.


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