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Benjamín Navarro Domínguez
José Antonio Cerrada Nogales
University of Huelva. Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sport Sciences
Manuel Tomás Abad Robles
Universidad de Huelva. Facultad de Educación, Psicología y Ciencias del deporte
Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes-Guerra
University of Huelva. Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sport Sciences
Vol. 6 No. 3 (2020), Reviews, pages 533-554
Submitted: May 11, 2020 Accepted: Aug 12, 2020 Published: Sep 1, 2020
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The practice of sport can promote the development of values such as respect, self-control, effort, autonomy and leadership. In this sense, the aim of this study was twofold: 1) to carry out a systematic review of research analyzing the effects of any intervention on the development of respect in the training of young athletes; 2) to describe and examine such interventions. To this end, a systematic review was carried out in which different research on respect in the field of sport and physical education was studied and analysed. The PRISMA Statement was used to conduct this systematic review. The most outstanding results refer to the successful application of Hellison's Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPRS) and Siedentop's Sports Education. Thus, both in the school context and in the sports club context, the use of interventions related to the above-mentioned models is recommended when respect is to be encouraged.


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