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Cristina García-Romero
Oviedo University
Antonio Méndez-Giménez
Oviedo University
José Antonio Cecchini-Estrada
Oviedo University
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020), Original papers, pages 2-17
Submitted: Nov 20, 2019 Accepted: Dec 9, 2019 Published: Dec 9, 2019
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One of the main objectives of Physical Education teachers is to increase student motivation during their classes, since this effect would have direct repercussions on adherence to physical activity throughout life. This research explores the relationship between the 3x2 achievement goals and autonomy in Physical Education context. The sample comprised 1706 students (904 men and 802 women) aged between 10 and 17 years (M = 13.75; SD = 2.98), all of them belonging to nine Primary and Secondary schools in the North of Spain. These students completed the 3x2 Achievement Goals Questionnaire in Physical Education (CML 3x2-EF) and the autonomy subscale factor in the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale (BPNES) also adapted to Physical Education. We performed descriptive analysis (M and DT), Cronbach alphas, bivariate correlations and a linear regression analysis by stepwise. Reliability analysis showed acceptable values. The highest average scores are at the task-approach and self-approach goals. In addition, the results related to correlations indicate a positive and significant correlation between the six achievement goals and autonomy, highlighting the high value of the goals of task-approach and self-approach. The three approach goals predicted student autonomy. The results are discussed and didactic implications are suggested. In conclusion, Physical Education students perceived higher levels of autonomy when their efforts are directed towards success and positive possibilities. In addition, a series of didactic implications are suggested.


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