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Víctor Ramírez Rubio
University of Granada
Emilio Villa González
University of Granada
Yahira Barranco Ruiz
University of Granada
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020), Original papers, pages 80-96
Submitted: Aug 6, 2019 Accepted: Dec 11, 2019 Published: Dec 11, 2019
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There are studies in which it has been possible to establish a relationship between the cognitive and academic performance of students and their levels of physical condition. The objectives of this research are to study the correlation between the physical fitness level and body composition with the academic performance, as well as to analyze the correlation between such variables and the Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) of elementary school students by gender. A total of 69 primary school students participated in the study (age= 12.33±0.47 years, 55.9% girls and 44,1% boys). The physical fitness and body composition were evaluated according to the ALPHA Fitness test Battery for children and adolescents. The academic performance was studied by means of the average of notes of the instrumental subjects of primary education. The RPE was recorded in PE classes and school physical activities by using the Borg RPE scale (0-10). Significant correlations were established between the RPE and the weight of the boys (r= 0,406, p= 0.02) and girls (r= 0,643, p< 0.001) and also with respect to the BMI, boys (r= 0,508, p= 0.004), girls (r= 0,621, p< 0.001). There was a significant negative correlation between the Course Navette test and the RPE in the case of boys (r= -0,633, p< 0.001) and girls (r= -0,452, p= 0.004). The RPE correlated significantly with the stages of the Course Navette test (inverse correlation) and with the body composition variables, such as weight and BMI.


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