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Pilar Gonzalez-Vera
Universidad de Zaragoza
Vol. 9 (2022), Artículos , Pages 261-278
Reçu: juil. 25, 2022 Publié: déc. 28, 2022
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Methodological approaches like project-based learning, the didactic use of audiovisual translation and the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have attracted the attention of researchers in recent years. These are the three pillars on which the current article rests. It presents an experimental study within the context of project-based learning in which students of engineering and architecture undertake a project to build and sell a sustainable house. In order to succeed in the project, the students have to progress from one stage to the next by completing various tasks that require the didactic use of the audiovisual translation modes of dubbing and subtitling as well as the use of mobile applications and new technologies. This research aims to show how the implementation of the project can contribute to the development of productive and receptive linguistic skills and even be considered an option to provide the framework for the design of the whole syllabus in an English for Specific Purposes subject. The study was carried out in a transversal subject of technical English in which students from different degrees of engineering and architecture converge.  As a pilot study, it was proposed to the students as an alternative to replace the part of the subject that focuses on written and oral production in English language. The results will reveal a high motivating component in the activities, achieving the consolidation of knowledge through meaningful learning and a lowering of the levels of anxiety in the affective filter.


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