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Jesús Eloy Pérez Alonso
Consejería de Educación. Comunidad de Madrid
Vol. 8 (2021), Didaxis, pages 151-163
Submitted: Jul 7, 2021 Published: Dec 29, 2021
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The non-literary text commentary is one of the fundamental objectives in the contents of Spanish Language and Literature subject at the Baccalaureate stage. In this task, the different levels or domains of language come into play linking them to a text proposed for commentary. In spite of this, students find great difficulties to identify and structure the linguistic characteristics present in the texts and teachers face the challenge of offering didactic answers to this kind of exercise. In this article a tool for the commentary is proposed that is based on a guideline of findings in the different linguistic ambits (morphological, syntactic, lexical-semantic and pragmatic). Gradually, it is intended that students analyze the linguistic features in each of these areas in a triple dimension (presence, location and purpose), identify, exemplify and justify their use depending on the text target. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out several tasks before facing the commentary and during its practice. Finally, the teaching-learning strategy and proposal is described, as well as its sequencing and pedagogical application throughout an academic year using various methodological strategies that help to systematize the work and share it within the classroom group.


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