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Carmen María Fernández Rodríguez
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (A Coruña)
Vol. 7 (2020), Didaxis, pages 116-129
Submitted: Jan 28, 2021 Published: Mar 9, 2021
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Despite the tradition of Etwinning projects in Spain, those carried out in Official Schools of Languages are not as well known or numerous as those in other educational levels, like primary or secondary schools. However, they can greatly contribute to adult education in different aspects. After an introduction about what they consist of and how these projects interact, this article focuses on the Etwinning projects that are being developed at the EOI in A Coruña (Stories Time Capsule, AmbassadEUrs for promoting EU values, Miles of Meals, Nowhere feels like home: popular city culture), taking their European dimension as a reference, at a time in which cooperation policies between teachers, students and schools need to be affirmed. Our interest lies in Etwinning as a platform of collaborative learning, transnational work and a powerful tool to internationalize schools, share new methodologies and standardize teaching. We aim to insist on the different advantages of Etwinning for the educators and students in the European educational scenario in the midst of the pandemic and when the effects of Brexit are still to be assessed.


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