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  • Fátima Elizabeth Palacios Briones
  • María Elena Gómez-Parra
  • Roberto Espejo Mohedano
Fátima Elizabeth Palacios Briones
María Elena Gómez-Parra
Roberto Espejo Mohedano
Vol. 7 (2020), Didaxis, pages 105-115
Submitted: Nov 30, 2020 Published: Mar 9, 2021
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The main objective of this research is to analyse the different activities that students carry out when writing in five educational districts in the province of Manabí (Ecuador). The main conceptual references of the study are: autonomy and quality in the written story, concordance between gender, number and person, coherence and cohesion, all of them indicators linked to the TERCE tests of reference scope. Results are presented from a survey that was randomly applied to 4439 students in the fourth and 4288 seventh grades of General Basic Education and questions posed to evaluate the teaching of writing (textual mastery) are correlated. The results show that in the textual dimension, textual cohesion accounts for the use of various grammatical mechanisms, while overall coherence is an indicator of thematic continuity. All these elements must be in synchrony with nominal agreement (noun and its determinants) and verbal agreement (subject and predicate), in order for the teaching and learning of writing to take place under optimal conditions. It is therefore necessary to apply methodological strategies that provide such advantages to students.


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