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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted to another journal (unless the editor has been fully informed in the section Comments to the Editors)
  • The submission file is in the following formats: OpenOffece or Microsoft Word
  • Whenever possible, provide a URL address in the references.
  • The text is single espaced, 12 point font size, instead of underlining italics are used (except in URLs). If the article contains images, illustrations, figures or tables, the author has checked that they are in their proper place within the text and not at the end.
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic requirements included in "Guidelines for authors", in Submissions.
  • If you are submitting a text which is to be evaluated anonymously, check that you have not included any information which allows your identification.
  • Metadata should be included correctly.
  • The article follows the template provided


Manuscripts should be unpublished and original and must be sent through the journal platform and adapted to the following template: TEMPLATE


Original manuscripts will be sent through the Open Journal System platform. An electronic copy of the manuscript must be attached as a Word or OpenOffece file.

Articles will be presented in Microsoft Word or Free Access Software format, including figures, tables in the body of the text. The margins offered by the word processor will be used. The body of the text will be written in Times New Roman font, size 12 and spacing 1.5, while the footnotes will also be in Times New Roman font, size 10 and single spacing. There is no extra spacing between paragraphs.

The length of the ARTICLES will be 5,000 - 8,000 words and that of the REVIEWS 1,500 words.

Articles should preferably be written in Spanish, English, French or Galician.

The sections in the text should be arranged according to the following format:

The first page of the manuscript will include:

  • The TITLE (bold capital letters) of the manuscript and descriptors or keywords (maximum five) in Spanish and English. Times New Roman 14, single spacing.
  • Name (bold lowercase) and SURNAME (bold uppercase). Times New Roman 12, single spacing
  • Name and address of the institution they belong to.
  • Full address (including email) of the author responsible for the correspondence.
  • Abstract (bold): in English and Spanish (not bold) 220-250 words.
  • Keywords (bold): between three and five (no more), separated by a period, in English and Spanish.

The following pages will be devoted to the text of the article, which should be divided into sections. Tables and figures will be included in the body of the text, numbered consecutively.

The headings (sections and subsections), after indentation (of 1 point), will be organized as follows:

a) The main heading, in bold and capital letters: Example: 1. EXAMPLE

b) The following, in bold lowercase: Example: 1.1 Example

c) The following, in italics and lowercase: Example: 1.1.1 Example

A blank space must be left between paragraphs, the heading and the new paragraph.

Footnotes will be included at the bottom of the page. The reference marks for the footnotes within the text will be indicated with consecutive numbers in superscript. The footnotes will be used for clarifying and pertinent comments, not to indicate bibliographic references, which will be included in the body of the text, as will be indicated later. These footnotes will be in Times New Roman font, size 10 and single spacing. Between note and note there will not be blank space.

Long quotations (more than 40 words) within the text will be in Times New Roman font, size 12, and will be marked with an indentation of 1 point for the entire quote -not just the first line-, without quotation marks, italicized and single spaced. A blank space will be left at the beginning and at the end.

 The bibliographic reference at the end of these long quotations should be rounded font and the corresponding punctuation mark follows the parenthesis.

Short quotations (less than 40 words) within the text will be between quotation marks. The omission of the text in a quotation will be indicated by three ellipsis in square brackets […].

For long quotes of verses, quotation marks will not be used at the beginning and at the end, but they will be transcribed in italics and single spaced, as in the long quotes seen in point 9 (font 11, indentation of 1 point). Quotations of verses within the text will be between quotation marks, rounded font and each verse separated by slashes.

Punctuation marks (period, comma, etc.) will be placed after quotation marks or reference marks. Examples: "didactics": and "didactics"².

Italics (no quotation marks or underline) will be used to highlight a word or phrase within the text.

The bibliographical citation system will follow the APA 7th ed., which can be consulted in this link: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines

Bibliographic information should be in Roman script.


Conflict of interest


At the end of the article, three blank spaces will be left. Then the REFERENCES (bold capital letters) will be included, and another blank space will be left. Only the works cited in the body of the text will be listed (not those consulted). The references will be ordered alphabetically according to the APA style 7th ed. Names and surnames are not capitalized except for the first letter. It is recommended to include (if possible) the complete DOI at the end of the reference without full stop.


Sección principal que contendrá artículos de fondo de CARÁCTER TEÓRICO EN LAS ÁREAS OBJETO DE ESTUDIO. Serán evaluados por expertos externos del Comité Científico de acuerdo con el sistema de arbitraje de doble par definido en los criterios de indexación y calidad de las revistas científicas del área.

sección que incluirá tanto reseñas de publicaciones en formato digital o en formato clásico y también reseñas de acontecimiento culturales de relevancia.

Esta sección incluye la investigación y rescate de textos de más de un siglo de antigüedad valiosos para la didáctica.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.