Archaeological tourism as an enhancer of the Ways of St James: an analysis of the archaeological heritage on the Jacobean routes in the district of Vila Real
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The various Santiago pilgrimage routes that traverse the district of Vila Real (Inland Portuguese Way, Torres Way, Terras de Basto Way, and Coração D’Ouro Variant) are dotted with innumerable archaeological assets, some of which are integrated into the routes themselves, as in the case of bridges, roads and religious buildings. The aim of this study is to identify the archaeological assets in and around the Ways of St James in the district of Vila Real, and to analyse their typology and touristic value. The methodology for the study consisted of two phases: firstly, documentary analysis and consultation of computer databases such as the Archaeologist’s Portal and the Architectural Heritage Information System (SIPA) to identify the archaeological sites and resources; and, secondly, characterisation and geo-referencing of sites using analysis sheets. The results show a huge concentration of archaeological assets along the different Ways of St James, and that these are properly represented in the tourist information about the Ways.
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