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Jesus Manuel Benitez-Baleato
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Susana Sotelo Docío
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol. 16 No. 2 (2022): Tourism, pilgrimage and local population, Monográfico. Turismo, peregrinación y comunidades, pages 56-77
Submitted: May 7, 2022 Published: Jul 1, 2022
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Sustainable public tourism policy management can benefit from learning about the perceptions of visitors and residents. While the views of the former can help to better satisfy their preferences, the latter can assist in identifying threats to the sustainability of tourism
activities, and satisfaction with how tourism is managed. Information shared on social media has proved a useful resource for the study of perceptions, but the approach needs to be adapted in order to deal with the specific features of tourism. The aim of this article is to
assess the use of social media in the design and assessment of public tourism policy from the perspective of sustainability and in relation to the specific case of the Way of St James. The artificial intelligence algorithms used show a clearly positive assessment of the tourist experience at present, and identify a set of possible measures to improve the sustainability of the underlying policies: 1) preserve and promote natural and cultural heritage; 2) facilitate integration of visitors with local communities, and 3) improve supply in sectors such as restaurants, logistics and safety. The results of the study have been shared through the the Social Data Lab repository at Harvard University Dataverse in order to facilitate the verification and reuse of the study data by the scientific community at large.


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