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  • Jorge Olleros Rodríguez
Jorge Olleros Rodríguez
Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022), Articles, pages 140-164
Submitted: Dec 1, 2020 Accepted: Feb 28, 2021 Published: Oct 13, 2021
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The aim of this article is to examine the influence of gastronomy on tourism development in the town of O Grove, a key holiday destination in the Galician Rías Baixas, in order to assess the importance of the restaurant sector in O Grove and its effect on tourist numbers and hotel services in the area. The study explores the significant capillarity of the culinary tourism sector and how this has benefited the local rural economy. The analysis also examines the different types of restaurant services available, ranging from high-end to low-cost, and how these meet the demands of the diverse tourist population. The study concludes by highlighting the existing benefits and future potential of culinary tourism in O Grove.


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