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Eladio Jardón Ferreiro
Instituto Internacional de Marketing y Comunicaci´ón (IIMC)
Manuel Octavio Del Campo Villares
Vanessa Miguéns Refojo
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022), Articles, pages 165-185
Submitted: Jan 17, 2021 Accepted: Feb 11, 2021 Published: Feb 1, 2022
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Tourism development in recent years has been characterised by the diversification and expansion of the sector in all aspects of its activity. The aim of this study is to examine the inland tourism phenomenon as an endogenously sustainable alternative, in which culture, gastronomy, environment, nature and ethnography represent key components of the tourist experience. The study focuses on the case of Ourense, the only Galician province without a coastline. The analysis begins by detailing the main features of inland tourism in Ourense: spatial diversity, reduced seasonality, flexibility in terms of age, family structure and price. Tourism demand is assessed in terms of the number of visitors, number of overnight stays and average length of stay, with comparative analysis of growth, correlation and temporal regression between Ourense and Galicia as a whole, and additional analysis of seasonality in relation to foreign tourism. The quantitative comparison of tourism variables reveals a direct, positive correlation between tourism demand and the explicit message and example of sustainability offered by the ethnographic, natural and social environment of Ourense.


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