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Luís Mendes
University of Lisbon
Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021), Monograph, pages 39-58
Submitted: Oct 5, 2020 Accepted: Oct 23, 2020 Published: Feb 1, 2021
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Urban tourism in its various forms has expanded greatly since the beginning of the 21st century, but touristification and overtourism as a mass, hegemonic phenomenon in the large Portuguese cities of Lisbon and Porto is a more recent development. Before the pandemic, Lisbon’s international projection as a tourist destination was at an all-time high, registering considerable uninterrupted growth in tourist arrivals, overnight stays and daily revenues, as well as a rising number of hotels, hostels and short-term tourist accommodation, which has had a drastic impact on the social and economic fabric of the historical districts of central Lisbon. This article examines the driving forces of austerity urbanism and the neoliberal turn in urban politics that has fuelled the process of tourist gentrification in Lisbon’s historic neighbourhoods in the past decade, particularly in relation to the huge expansion of short-term rental accommodation for tourists, combined with the growing rent gap and high number of vacant buildings in the city.


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