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Anna Maria Fernández Poncela
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2018), Articles, pages 64-104
Submitted: Apr 13, 2018 Accepted: Apr 22, 2018 Published: Apr 22, 2018
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This work presents a descriptive and part evaluative approximation of the population of the two Tlaxcaltec, San Andrés and San Pedro, towards the tourist policy in particular, through interviews applied at both locations. First, it offers a very brief and general contextual picture of these two municipalities in Puebla, as well as some data on the current tourism policy of the State. In second place, and through the presentation and analysis of them mentioned interviews on the theme to them and them inhabitants, is show them perceptions social to the with regard to the political municipal and them political tourist, his knowledge, application and results. We also provide some data and information from interviews with the tourism sector - employees and businessmen - who share and deploy, as the opinions of residents, a charity look within existing hegemonic tourist imagery today in Mexico, in general terms, also with its exceptions, voices and critical perspectives.


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