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Carlos Alamilla Canto
CETT Universidad de Barcelona
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2016), Monograph. Planning, direction and management of tourist destinations and products, pages 1-11
Submitted: Aug 27, 2016 Accepted: Aug 27, 2016 Published: Jul 10, 2016
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This study focuses on the perceptions of the local residents from the Barceloneta, Spain, incurred by the tourism. A small neighborhood with animportant sea faring tradition located within the city of Barcelona, which, due to the Olympic Gamesheld in 1992, was subjected to a series of majorurban, economic and social changes. One factor that has significantly contributed to thesechanges in the local community has been the development of the tourism, which, sincethen, has not stopped growing and showing positive statistics from year to year; however, this seeming positive scenario has been contrasted by the different protests of the neighborhood against the tourism, which, unhappy with certain negative impacts tha thave been perceiving, they require more attention from thegovernment and significant changes in touristic management. Recognizing this situation, this research, in its exploratory character, aimed to identify and analyzethe sociocultural benefits and costs perceived byt he residentes in the Barceloneta emerged from their continued relationship with the tourism. Based primarily on quantitative methods, a survey to 104 local residents was undertaken. The results revealed that the increase in alcohol consumption, noise and people congestion are perceived as the most important costs; while, positive effects as the increase in comercial activity and conservation of the traditional cuisine were prudently among the bestrated.


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