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Tullio Romita
Centro Ricerche e Studi sul Turismo (CReST). Università della Calabria (Italia)
Antonella Perri
Centro Ricerche e Studi sul Turismo (CReST). Università della Calabria (Italia)
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2015), Monograph. Tourism planning and management in urban space, pages 23-42
Submitted: Jan 13, 2016 Accepted: Jan 13, 2016 Published: Dec 28, 2015
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The estimates made by the UNWTO, until now all essentially respected, say that in the next decade tourist mobility and global reach will exceed the sum of one and a half billion passengers. In this perspective, it stands as a priority the issue of sustainable development of tourism, namely the control of the impacts of tourism mobility on the environment and society, and the practical application of the principles of sustainability to the daily lives of people and land management. The impression is that you are in front of a "global challenge", to which you must respond by recruiting models of balanced development and shared not only locally on a global level. However, there isn’t only this problem: the estimates do not include international tourist mobility fully, since the phenomenon is little known to the official statistics, tourist and residential mobility, meaning the movement of tourists staying in private homes to holiday use. Yet in Italy, as in many other parts of the world, the residential tourism (or of private homes is a social phenomenon very relevant, that the conventional tourism organized mass has in common only the roots. This paper, using a part of the countless research activities carried out in the last ten years on the mobility residential tourist from Centre for Research and Studies on Tourism of the University of Calabria, wants to emphasize the positive and negative impacts of this type of tourist mobility, in a situation of great spread of the phenomenon, and in an Italian area among the least developed in the country.


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