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Inmaculada Puertas Cañaveral
Universidad de Granada
José Luis Paniza Prados
Universidad de Granada
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2013), Monograph, pages 155-166
Submitted: Jul 20, 2015 Published: Dec 20, 2013
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Boosted by better world wide economic conditions, international tourism has recoverd more quickly than expected from the effects of world financial recession and the economic recession since 2008. In the context of an international recession tourism has shown more optimistic data than the other productive sectors tradicionaly considered as engines of the Western economy. This situation describes precisely that which motivates the current paper, which analyses the evolution and the current situation as outstanding productive sector of the Spanish society. In this way we analyse in the first instance the evolution of the national and international tourism data, before and during the recession.
In second instance, it offers and analyses macroeconomics data of Spanish tourism according to the diferents visions that the sector has about its future. In third instance, it reflects on the real implication that tourism has in the Western society and economy. In this way it will delve into the socioeconomic reality of the national tourism and the challenges that it should be facing in the inmediate future for companies, administrations and citizens.


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