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Eduardo Cordeiro Gonçalves
Instituto Superior da Maia – ISMAI (Portugal) CEDTUR – Centro de Estudos de Desenvolvimento Turístico e CETRAD
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2012), Monograph, pages 11-19
Submitted: Jul 20, 2015 Published: Nov 1, 2012
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Wine and tourism are two products today increasingly complementary, especially in depressed and wine regions that have depressed upon restructuring with the introduction of tourism component. Moreover, these two components can be determined from the territorial context, because both the regulations and certification of the wine part of regional assumptions - the demarcated region - tourism and, in turn, is linked to the design and attractiveness of destination - local or regional - exerted on the tourist. This association of wine to tourism also implies the recognition of the “brand” where the regional emphasis will greatly contribute to the development and sustainability of the region. Thus, wine tourism currently represents more than a specific motivation for holding the wine driven trip, it is a new business opportunity and a catalyst for the economy of a wine region. At the same time, it can also contribute to “fine tune the tourist destination”, as it starts to promote the region and a range of activities associated with wine. Therefore, the success of a wine tourism destination and the design of wine routes are both associated with the reputation of the region’s wine, the organization of the cellar and the reception of visitors, the stimulation and promotion of endogenous elements and of the “unique”, will create a set of services, attractions and events that allow to complement the winery and to qualify the region as an integrated tourist product.


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