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Tullio Romita
Università della Calabria
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2009), Monograph, pages 83-106
Submitted: Jul 20, 2015 Published: Oct 6, 2009
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The fears, anxieties and uncertainties that people have in relation to the future and the safety of themselves and their family and children persist rather than disappear in the “affluent” world in which we live today, because they perceive a loss of the guarantees and social protection (education, health, work, etc) conquered over time. In addition, the possibilities for state intervention, instead of becoming stronger, are becoming weaker, in contrast with the wild development of the economy imposed by private operators, where globalised and unhappy workers are multiplying, forced to operate in a situation of growing flexibility, mobility, risk and uncertainty. A profound reflection on the problems and values related with human actions is required to solve the problem. It is important to highlight the core question of respect for the principles of justice and individuals, and that the problem is an ethical problem, both on a prescriptive and descriptive level, which means “the total sum of standards of public and private conduct which people follow ”. The European Union, over a long and sometimes tortuous journey, has identified business ethics as one of the priority issues in which to intervene and promote in Union countries. This is the subject matter to be analysed in this work, with special reference to Corporate Social Responsibility in the tourism sector in Italy.


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