Fullness and Emptiness

Contemporary Architecture as a Meeting Point of Christian Religious Concepts with the Religious Concepts of the Far East





Sacred Architecture, Religion, Architecture, Christianity, Far East Architecture


This paper aims to analyze prominent examples of contemporary Christian architecture in the Far East, and the influence of religious and architectural concepts of sacred architecture of the Far East on contemporary Christian architecture built there. Numerous examples show the influence of the permeation of that area’s cultural, traditional, and religious heritage with the Christian cultural and theological framework. Christian sacred architecture is based on the monotheistic concept of faith in one incarnated God that opens to humanity the path to salvation achieved in the afterlife. Religions of the Far East share common concepts of proccesuality described as Tao, the governing principle in the background of all life. It is the principle of continuity in an eternally changing universe. The intention of this paper is, therefore, to direct the view towards the permeation of cultures that encourages Christian sacred architecture towards the search for a new, authentic identity.


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Author Biographies

Zorana Sokol-Gojnik, University of Zagreb

Zorana Sokol-Gojnik, is an assistant professor at the Department of Design, Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb. Her scientific and professional area is directed to sacred architecture from phenomenological and hermeneutic points of view. In her scientific work, she has participated in seven scientific research projects at the Faculty of Architecture and has published scientific articles related to the topic of sacred architecture in relevant scientific journals. In 2017 she published the book "Sacred Architecture of Zagreb. Catholic liturgical buildings". As part of his pedagogical work at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, she teaches Sacred Architecture, Croatian Space and Architecture and Sustainable Architecture. She teaches History of Liturgical Architecture at the Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb. In collaboration with the architectural firm Siloueta, she has realized numerous architectural projects.

Igor Gojnik, Independent researcher

Igor Gojnik PhD, obtained a doctorate in science with the topic "Natural light as an architectural and identity factor of architectural space". His scientific interest is directed to the theory of architecture from the phenomenological and hermeneutic point of view and to the phenomenon of quantitative/qualitative analysis of natural light in architectural space with specific interest in the problem of sacred architecture. He is the author of scientific articles published in international scientific journals and conferences. He has participated in research projects at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. He is a guest lecturer in postgraduate program at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. He directs the architectural office Siloueta in Zagreb and is the author of a number of realizations and projects, with which he has won several competitions.


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How to Cite

Sokol-Gojnik, Z., & Gojnik, I. (2021). Fullness and Emptiness: Contemporary Architecture as a Meeting Point of Christian Religious Concepts with the Religious Concepts of the Far East. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 8, 78–89. https://doi.org/10.17979/aarc.2021.8.0.8842