Neocatechumenal aesthetics and liturgical adaptation

From stylistic mimesis to generalization of models




neocatechumenal aesthetics, liturgical adaptation, Vatican Council II


The development and codification of its own aesthetic within the Neocatechumenal Way has motivated the construction of new temples following the paradigms proposed by Kiko Argüello but also the intervention in existing churches following the characteristic centrality-axiality scheme of the neocatechumenal proposals. These interventions have made provisional adaptations or definitive liturgical adjustments, especially after the work of the architect Antonio Ábalos in the parish of San Pedro el Real in Madrid and the work of Maurizio Bergamo and Mattia del Prete in Italy.
In this paper, a series of liturgical adaptations made in pre-conciliar churches very different in their style will be analyzed. Although all these interventions follow the scheme of distribution of celebratory foci and assembly proposed by the neocatechumenal aesthetic, we will observe a double intervention route that opts for the stylistic similarity with the existing architectural environment or for the repetition of models used in new neocatechumenal projects.


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Author Biography

María Diéguez Melo, Salamanca University

María Diéguez Melo (Burgos, 1983) has a PhD in Art History from the University of Salamanca (Spain), and has completed her training with a Postgraduate Degree in Cultural Policy and Cultural Management from the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico. She is currently a teacher in the Department of Art History-Fine Arts at the University of Salamanca and professor-tutor of the Degree in Art History at UNED-CA Zamora, having completed stays as a visiting professor at the University Center of the South of the University of Guadalajara (Mexico). His participation as a speaker and communicator in international conferences and his publications in books and specialized magazines stands out. She has served as coordinator of the International Ibero-American Cultural Heritage Symposia (53rd and 54th ICA) and president of the XVII Latin American Congress of Religion and Ethnicity. Member of the Iberoamerican Observatory of Contemporary Religious Architecture, his main lines of research focus on contemporary religious architecture, neocatechumenal aesthetics and the recovery of iconographic figuration in contemporary sacred art.


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How to Cite

Diéguez Melo, M. (2020). Neocatechumenal aesthetics and liturgical adaptation: From stylistic mimesis to generalization of models. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 7, 182–197.