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Nieves Gómez López
Universidad de Almería
Vol. 4 (2017), Didaxis, pages 102-121
Submitted: Dec 14, 2017 Accepted: Feb 7, 2018 Published: Feb 7, 2018
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The songs of rockers are traditional universal songs, which, within the folkloric tradition of the Hispanic people, have not been studied very much. This research work contributes a set of Etnotextos collected in the Almerian villages of Adra, Roquetas de Mar and Sufli, as well as in Priego de Córdoba, Cádiz and Málaga, and tries to insert them into a poetic, a tradition and some proposals Didactics that make us know and understand better a part of the oral literature quite unknown, in addition to remembering a part of the oral musical legacy of our ancestors that explains to us in a way where we come from.


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