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Manuel Mora Márquez
Universidad de Córdoba
Elizabeth Morales Rojas
Universidad de Córdoba
Vol. 4 (2017), Didaxis, pages 89-101
Submitted: Dec 9, 2016 Accepted: Nov 15, 2017 Published: Feb 7, 2018
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In the classrooms of Early Childhood Education many questions arise about the students' closest environment. such as how something floats in the water, why two objects are attracted, why it is done at night or the air has strength, etc. With The Science Week, it is intended that children, from an early age, acquire scientific knowledge through their own experience, researching, considering ideas, reflecting, etc. It is important that they interact with objects, manipulating them to acquire information from them. Similarly, it is important to develop the curiosity and interest of these students towards the world around them, providing them with activities and experiences that lead them to want to know more, as well as to the enjoyment of carrying out scientific experiments.


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