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Angélica García-Manso
Universidad de Extremadura
Vol. 3 (2016), Articles, pages 49-62
Submitted: Jul 3, 2016 Accepted: Sep 21, 2016 Published: Dec 30, 2016
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This study describes and analyzes the Seminar dedicated to “Children’s Literature and Advertising” in the context of the Multimodal Reading for the subject Children’s Literature Teaching in the third year of the Degree in Primary Education. Specifically, we study five ads related to car brands whose intertext is represented by children’s stories. Mendoza Fillola’s notion of “reading literacy” or “intertext reader”expands on that of “multimedia competition”, because the advertisements emphasiseiconographically secondary elements in the tales and transform them into main aspects. The analysis shows the metamorphosis which texts such as Cinderella, The Ant and the Grasshopper, Snow White, The Tortoise and the Hare and the character of Gulliver suffer in advertising marketing.


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