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Alfredo Rodríguez López-Vázquez
Universidade da Coruña
Vol. 6 (2019), Texts recoveries and texts creation, pages 122-127
Submitted: Dec 26, 2019 Accepted: Dec 26, 2019 Published: Mar 24, 2020
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In Valencia, in 1601, a double text appeared in print form, without an author’s name: on one hand a 340-verse long poem, La vida de los pícaros, attributed to Liñán de Riaza and Bartolomé de Argensola in other versions, accompanied by a text that matches a chapter of the first part of Guzmán de Alfarache. In Valencia’s edition it is said that both texts are of one only author, which reinforces the global proposal of attribution to Mateo Alemán.


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