Focus and Scope

The Sportis Journal has as a goal the publication and dissemination of articles related with Physical Education, School Sport and Psychomotricity in children.

Authors will be able to submit works developed in the area of the analytical research (theoretical revisions of story or summary), descriptive research, experimental research and /or qualitative research.
Sportis is a publication with international character, four-monthly frequency and which publishe

The journal is edited by Campus EDUCA SPORTIS S.L..

The 3 major thematic areas of the journal cover the following subareas:


1.1. Sports pedagogy
1.2. Management and Technical Direction of Sports Schools
1.3. Organization of a sports school and sports events
1.4. Bases of the training of physical capacities in children and young athletes
1.5. Physical exercise and health in children and adolescents
1.6. New sports trends in the field of school sports
1.7. Inclusion and Integration through sport
1.8. Evaluation and quality of sports programs in the youth population
1.10. Agents involved in school-age sports
1.11. Sports policy for school-age sports. Socio-sports programs
1.12. Injury Prevention in School Sports
1.13. First aid in school sports
1.14. Women in school sports
1.15. Physical exercise in young people for the prevention and rehabilitation of pathologies and diseases
1.16. Recreation and leisure in school sports
1.17. Psychology, sociology and anthropology of school sports
1.18. Sports medicine, physiotherapy and nutrition in school sports
1.19. Competition in school sports
1.20. Refereeing and judgment in school sports. Sports Regulation
1.21 Research projects in school-age sports
1.22. The training session in child and youth sports: Warm-up, main part and cool down.
1.23. Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology in sports children
1.24. School-age sports and extracurricular activities.
1.25. Technique and tactics in school sports
1.26. Planning and scheduling of school sports training
1.27. Physical Preparation in young athletes
1.28. Civil liability in school sports
1.29 Olympic movement in the youth population

2.1. Basic competences through Physical Education
2.2. Curricular adaptations for students with functional diversity
2.3. Physical Education and Educational Curriculum
2.4. Healthy Habits and Physical Education
2.5. The session of Physical Education and Didactic Units
2.6. Evaluation in Physical Education
2.7. New trends in the field of Physical Education. Didactic proposals
2.8. Games and recreational-sports activities
2.9. Innovation and Research in Physical Education
2.10. Popular and traditional sports and games
2.11. Sports and socio-cultural animation
2.12. Activities in the nature
2.13. Didactics and Pedagogy of Physical Education
2.14. Body Expression and Artistic Techniques in Physical Education
2.15. Civil liability in the Physical Education classroom
2.16. Prevention of violence through Physical Education
2.17. Physical Education and values
2.18. Prevention of accidents at school

3.1. Infant motor skills from 0 to 2 years
3.2. Infant motor skills from 3 to 6 years
3.3. Learning, development and motor control through physical activity
3.4. Early stimulation in children
3.5. Bases of the development of psychomotor factors
3.6. Motor skills
3.7. Sensory stimulation in boys and girls
3.8. Motor games
3.9. Motor songs and Motor tales
3.10. Relaxation games and cool down
3.11. Motor intervention programs in early childhood education
3.12. Research in psychomotor practices
3.13. Psychomotor evaluation

Peer Review Process

The maximum time for review will be a maximum of 45 days from the confirmation of the receipt to the first answer. The average time for reviews in Sportis can be consulted in the web of the magazine, in the paragraph of statistics, as well as the percentage of accepted and rejected articles.

5.1 All the manuscripts, with the exception of the letters to Publisher, will be submitted to an assessment for pairs and double blind system.

5.2 Originals that do not fulfill something of the regulation, in relation to his presentation, will be returned for its correction before being assessed.

5.3 Every work will be reviewed at least by 2 experts of the broached area in the work and always anonymously.

5.4 The pairs copy editors will be able to suggest the rejection, the need of minor changes, bigger changes or the manuscript acceptance. The appraisals of the copy editors will be communicated to the authors in every request, as a whole with the publishing decision.

- In case of requesting minor changes, the manuscript will be accepted as soon as it includes the requested modifications, without need of new copy editors.

- In case of bigger changes, the manuscript with modifications will be assessed by one of the first copy editors with the aim to give the biggest coherence and fluency to the process. This new review will take a maximum of 30 days.

- In case of rejection, it will be editorial discretion the possibility of doing a new sending of the modified manuscript or its definitive rejection.

5.5 The accepted works will be assigned and published in the first number of the magazine available and in agreement with the needs of the Magazine. Authors will know this information and the publication date in the moment of acceptance.

5.6 Sportis fulfills strictly the publication dates of the numbers of the magazine, being the following every year: on January 1, May 1 and September 1. Three numbers are published each year with four-monthly periodicity. All the users registered in the magazine will receive in their e-mail every new number published.

Statistics and acceptance rate (Report year 26/02/2022-25/02/2023)

Publication Frequency

Accepted papers will be scheduled for publication in an issue of the magazine as soon as possible. The journal publishes a total of 3 times a year. The publication dates are January 1, May 1 and September 1.

Web of Journal:

Open Access Policy

This journal provides an immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offer the public free access to research support to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The journal does not charge any type of fee to readers for accessing the content of the scientific articles nor any subscription fee. To maintain the expenses derived from hosting, maintenance, design, layout, production, revision and other expenses caused by DOI registrations, indexing, etc. The editorial board is forced, from July 23, 2023, to require authors to pay a fee of 150 euros for articles that are accepted. The submission of papers and their peer review is free, the fee will only be paid if the article is accepted.


Good Editorial Practices in Gender Equality
Use of Inclusive and Non-Sexist Language

Sportis Sci J follows an editorial policy that includes specific recommendations in favor of using inclusive language in scientific articles. Authors should use terms that refer to all genders, some examples include: students, teachers, children, people, human beings, teaching staff, research staff, etc. Authors should always include the two last names of all personnel who participated in the research.

In accordance with our editorial policy, we strongly encourage authors to use inclusive and non-sexist language in their scientific articles. These recommendations are designed to ensure that all works published in our journal respect and reflect the diversity of our scientific community, promoting equality and avoiding any form of discrimination.

Some guidelines to follow include:

  • Use of Neutral Pronouns: Utilize inclusive pronouns or forms that encompass all genders when referring to individuals in general.
  • Avoid Gender Stereotypes: Write in a manner that avoids traditional gender stereotypes and roles.
  • Neutral Language: Prefer gender-neutral terms like "people" instead of "men" or "women," unless it is necessary to specify.
  • Equitable Recognition: Ensure that the contributions of all individuals involved in the research are recognized, regardless of gender.
  • Forms of Reference: When referring to professionals, use the title and full name, and not just the last name, to avoid gender bias.

These recommendations are in line with our commitment to equity and diversity in science. We appreciate the cooperation of all authors in implementing these practices in their manuscripts.

We recommend that authors of published works that have been carried out with research data including the sex variable report whether the conclusions have taken possible sex differences into account.

Plagiarism detection

SPORTIS journal uses Crossref's Similarity Check plagiarism detection program. All articles before passing a peer review are checked by the anti-plagiarism program. If the editor observes a plagiarism percentage higher than 20% or an excessive percentage of self-citations without being justified, the article will automatically be returned to the author without processing its peer review.

3.- Continuous Evaluation Plan for the improvement of editorial quality

The journal has established a continuous quality improvement evaluation plan. Within this plan, authors are requested to include the DOI of all references that have this identification, as well as a search of the articles published in the last 5 years carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. .

Perform a search in Web of Science and Scopus for articles published in the last 5 years that can be cited in your work.
Access this link Copy and paste the bibliographic references of your article in the space indicated within the previous link. The platform will tell you which references have DOI. Then copy and paste each complete DOI and add it to the end of each of your article references. It is very important that each bibliographic reference of your work has its corresponding DOI at the end of it, if you have one. This allows search engines to find the works cited by other authors faster and easier and is a quality requirement of our journal.

Example of how the DOI should go at the end of each bibliographic reference

Yanci, J., Arcos, A. L., Castillo, D. and Cámara, J. (2017). Sprinting, Change of Direction Ability and Horizontal Jump Performance in Youth Runners According to Gender. Journal of Human Kinetics, 60 (1), 199–207. DOI:

Guideline authors


Sportis Scientific Technical Journal is a fourth-monthly publication that considers for its publication original manuscripts related to the areas of the school sport, physical education and psychomotricity. Once the author sends the article for its review and publication, if it proceeds, Sportis acquires all the exclusive rights about the publication of the selected works. The concepts, judgements and opinions expressed in the articles will be the author’s responsibility.

Before submitting an article, it is recommended that authors view the following explanatory video on how to submit an article and cover the metadata on the journal's website (CLICK HERE)

Those who are interested in publishing in Sportis must read carefully and adjust to the following instructions:

1.- General Guidelines.

1.1 The works sent for their publication must be unpublished and their simultaneous presentation is not allowed in another magazine. The author has all the rights related with the published works, except the first publication. Nevertheless, Sportis allows their later transcription citing the source properly. The magazine does not consider any type of remuneration for the authors, neither any type of expense for the authors for publication of the article.

1.2 Sportis will be able to receive works for their publication only presented in the following languages: Spanish and English, being the texts and their respective translations responsibility of the authors when it was necessary. Works must have an accurate and clear composition avoiding ambiguities. Authors must send necessarily the title, abstract and keywords of the article in English and Spanish, being able to send the complete text in any of these languages. From December of 2017 will be compulsory the presentation of the complete text in both languages.

1.3. Sportis reserves the right to subject all the original works to the appraisal of the Publishing, Scientific Committee and the external copy editors that they have designated. All the reviews of the articles will be for pairs and double blind system. When it was necessary, the direction of the magazine will be able to request the review of the article to a third copy editor.

1.4 The accepted works will be published on the web of the magazine and incorporated into the corresponding number and volume.

1.5 The dates of receipt, acceptance and online publication of the work will be compulsorily at the end of the information of the author and before the abstract, in the first page of every article when it is published.



2.- Formats

Authors will be able to present works developed in the area of the analytical investigation (theoretical reviews, of history or synthesis), descriptive investigation, experimental investigation and / or qualitative investigation.  


2.2. Literature reviews: Including those with systematic and narrative character, it requires to be updated in a specific topic of the occupation of the sports coach, teacher or psichomotrician. The maximum extension of the body of the manuscript is 6000 words, including up to 100 bibliographical references updated (50 % of the last five years) and abstracts in Spanish and English. For those with systematic character it is required the use of the PRISMA Declaration (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses)


2.3 Protocols and advances of investigation: Articles of investigation in stage of design and / or implementation (temporary results). The maximum extension of the body of the manuscript will be 4000 words with 20 bibliographical references updated (75 % of the last five years), it must include abstracts in Spanish and English. For advances of investigation it is required the use of STROBE, CONSORT or another guide suggested by Equator-Network according to the case and when it was necessary.


2.4. Case studies: They must be of academic relevancy, with special care of the bioethical component. The maximum extension of the body of the manuscript will be 4000 words and 20 bibliographical references updated (75 % of the last five-year period), including abstracts in Spanish and English.


2.5. Educational experiences: It includes experiences carried out by teachers, sports coaches or psichomotricians in the area of the school sport, physical education or psychomotricity. The maximum extension of the body of the manuscript will be 6000 words, including up to 40 bibliographical references updated (50 % of the last five years) and abstracts in Spanish and English. Each author will provide all the necessary details to show his method of work and experience. This one must contain a theoretical introduction / foundation, a few aims, material, addressees and methodology, results, discussion and conclusion, as well as an assessment of what has been carried out.


2.6. For publishing needs and / or agreements with the author, these formats can change in benefit of Sportis's mission.


3.- Bioethical aspects

3.1 All works presented to Sportis that involve studies with human beings, either organs and / or tissues in isolated form, must respect specifically the updated Rules of the Declaration of Helsinki.

3.2 In the illustrative text-material, the athlete / student must not be indicated, so names and / or initials must not appear. For its publication it is necessary to send a copy of the authorization of the athlete / student and / or legal person in charge (informed consent), especially in those cases where it has been worked with minors.

3.3 Those studies with experimental character in living beings must have the authorization of the Bioethics Committee of the institution where the investigation was carried out, in the section of "Material and Method ".


4.- Presentation of the manuscript

4.1. General format of the manuscript

The manuscripts presented to Sportis must be written with 1, 5 space between the lines (except the abstract and keywords that will be with simply space between the lines) and without spacing of the previous and / or the following paragraph, in paper size dinA4 (21 x 29,7 centimetres), with margins of 3 centimetres in its top and low edge and 2, 5 centimetres in its right and left edge, in Time New Roman type with 12pt characters size, black ink and numbered pages from the first page in the centre of the foot. The beginning of each paragraph for the text will be marked by 1, 25 points of tabulation, apart from the abstract. The titles of the paragraphs of the article will be in bold and small letter (only the first letter in capital letter).

The following sections from 4.2 to 4.6 must appear in separated pages.


4.2. Title page

- The title of the work presented must be informative and concise, with a maximum of 15 words, in Spanish and English. It will be in bold, small letter and centred. With 1, 5 points of space between the lines.

- Authors must be identified clearly by their first name and two surnames. These will be written below the title, in small letter, without bold and centred. The name and surnames will be written by dot and comma of separation between each one.

- The affiliation (s) of each author to the moment of carrying out the work must be placed below the authors, if they all were in the same institution, the name of the institution will be below the authors, if they were in different institutions, the affiliation of each one will be indicated by numbers and always placed below the authors (see model at the end of this text).

- Contact e-mail of the person in charge of the publication. It will be placed below the affiliation, without bold and centred.

 Specific contribution of the authors: Indicate each of the sections of the article and in parentheses indicate the initials of the authors who have participated in them.

Funding: Indicate if the article is the result of funded research, if there is no funding, indicate There was no funding for this project.

Informed consent for study participants: Indicate if it was obtained and if not, indicate Not applicable.

Conflict of interest Indicate if there is any conflict of interest, if not, indicate The authors do not indicate any conflict of interest.

4.3. Abstract page and keywords

- The abstract will be placed in another different page, in Spanish and followed by the keywords separated by dot and comma (maximum 5 words using preferentially the Tesaurus Sportdiscus), and then the abstract in English with its respective keywords again separated by dot and comma. The total extension of the abstract must not contain more than 250 words. For the communications with the same format as original articles and protocols / advances of investigation must be structured in format IMRD, including a brief introduction, the aim of the work, the methodology, the results and the main discussion / conclusion. The abstract and keywords will be written with simply space between the lines.

- It must be included 3 to 5 keywords in Spanish and English, giving priority to terms included in the Thesaurus of Sport Discus

- The titles of the paragraphs will go always in bold and small letter.


4.4. Body of the manuscript

According to one of the categories listed in the points 4.4.1 to 4.4.5:

It will be located in a different new page from the page of the abstract and keywords. Depending on the destination section of the work, there is different regulation.


4.4.1 For original articles, systematic reviews and advances of investigation: it must follow the IMRD structure according to the Reporting Equator Network Guidelines of the suitable design of the presented study, containing in every section:

- Introduction: It must present a contextualization of the topic, indexing recent investigations and establishing clearly the importance or the interest of having developed the study. Finish with the exposition of the aim of the research in a specific way. Written in third person present tense.

- Material and method: it is necessary to identify methods, equipments and procedures with details enough to allow its reproduction for other researchers. Methods which have been already published must be mentioned and those which are little known, modified or new must be described in briefly. It must include a suitable description of: a) Design of the study; b) Population of interest; c) Selection criteria; d) Variables; e) Measurement and / or monitoring; f) Statistical analysis; and g) Bioethical considerations. Written in third person past tense.

- Results: they must appear in an organized and coherent form, without comments or personal explanations, highlighting the most relevant results to the aim of the study. They can go with a maximum of 6 tables and / or graphs and / or figures when it is necessary for a better comprehension. These will be inserted in its corresponding place in the text. Tables, figures and images will fulfill the APA 6th edition regulation and they will go with a legend below them in the case of images, graphics and figures, and a legend at the top in case of tables. All of them will be numbered by Arabic correlative numbers. E.g. Table nº 1. Levels of force in 12-13-year-old children.

- Discussion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and analyse the results obtained without repeat them. Relate to the existing knowledge, pointing out the coincidences and discrepancies with other relevant studies about the topic.

- Conclusions: They can be included if they represent an unpublished contribution in the description of the pathology and / or intervention.

- Informed consent: All the clinical cases or series of cases must attach an informed consent about the patient in relation to the dissemination of the academic - scientist interest of his case.

4.4.2 Body of the manuscript for cases studies:

- Introduction: Clinical and epidemiologic contextualization of the pathology, motor efficiency or presented procedure, specifying its interest or importance.

-Presentation of the case: Sociodemographic information of the patient, clinical characteristics, laboratory exams and / or histopathology, procedures, result and monitoring. It can be included up to 3 images, always protecting the privacy of the patient.

- Discussion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the case. Relate to the existing knowledge, pointing out the coincidences and discrepancies with other relevant studies about the topic.

-Conclusions: They can be included when they represent an unpublished contribution in the description of the pathology and / or procedure.

- Informed consent: All the clinical cases or series of cases must attach an informed consent of the patient in relation to the dissemination of scientific-academic interest of its case.


4.4.3 Body of the manuscript for protocols and advances of investigation must include:

- Basis of the project: It must present a contextualization of the problem, indexing recent investigations, establishing clearly the importance or interest of developing the project and how it will contribute to the resolution of the problem.

- Hypothesis and / or question of investigation: Expressed in an accurate and clear form.

- Aims: General and Specifics (maximum 5) In agreement with the hypothesis and / or question.

- Methodology: Design of the investigation and methods that are planned to use to approach the aims of the project; the bioethical considerations; the population from where the participants will come; the selection criteria of the participants; the calculation and size of the sample; the techniques for the compilation of the information and the plan of analysis of the information.

- Flowchart: Indicating each stage and time (numbered months) in which the project will be carried out.

4.4.4 Body of the manuscript for literature reviews: it must adjust to the own characteristics of the topic presented. The copy editors can suggest changes in the structure proposed by the author.

4.4.5 Body of the manuscript for educational experiences: it must follow the next structure:

- Introduction: It must present a contextualization of the topic, indexing recent works and establishing clearly the importance or the interest of having developed the study. Finish with the exposition of the aim of the intervention in a specific form. Written in third person present tense.

- Material and method: it is necessary to identify methods, equipments and procedures with details enough to allow its reproduction for other researchers. It is necessary to specify the methodology that has been used and give all the accurate details in order that a reader of the article could reproduce it. It must include a suitable description of: a) Design of the study; b) Population of interest; c) Selection criteria; d) Variables; e) Measurement and / or monitoring; f) Statistical analysis, if there is; and g) Bioethical considerations. Written in third person past tense.


- Results: they must appear in an organized and coherent form, without comments or personal explanations, highlighting the most relevant results to the aim of the study. They can go with a maximum of 6 tables and / or graphs and / or figures when it is necessary for a better comprehension. These will be inserted in its corresponding place in the text. Tables, figures and images will fulfill the APA 6th edition regulation and they will go with a legend below them in the case of images, graphics and figures, and a legend at the top in case of tables. All of them will be numbered by Arabic correlative numbers. E.g. Table n º 1. Levels of force in 12-13-year-old children.

- Discussion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and analyse the results obtained without repeat them. Relate to the existing knowledge, pointing out the coincidences and discrepancies with other relevant studies about the topic.

- Conclusions: When the nature of the study and its results allow it. They must coincide with the suggested aims and be supported by the obtained results, giving an answer to the presented hypothesis of work.


4.5. Bibliographical references

They must be mentioned as they appear in the text using the APA 6th edition regulation. This regulation also will be used for the citation of authors, placing of tables, figures, images and graphs.


4.6. Illustrations, tables and graphics

They must be constructed with programs adapted for Word. Tables, pictures, graphics, figures and photographs must be numbered sequentially with Arabic numeration and mentioned without exception in the text in brackets. Tables will be numbered like this (Table n º 1, Table n º 2, etc.) as the illustrations, graphics, etc. (Figure nº1, Figures n º 2, etc.). The legend for the tables will go centred at the top, for the rest of cases it will go centred below the figure / image / graphic without bold, in 10 points letter and with simply space between the lines. All of them will be inserted in their place of the text.

- Tables and graphics must be entitled and the less common abbreviations must be explained below them.

- Photographs and illustrations must have a size adapted for their correct visualization and a resolution of 300ppp or dpi (points or pixels for inch), an image of 10x7,5 centimetres should have an approximate resolution of 1200x900 pixels. Every legend in the illustrations must go below them.


4.7. Scientific terms

Scientific terms must not be written in brief form. The units of measure must be presented in agreement to the International System of Units in a rigorous way.


5.- Assessment

The maximum time for review will be a maximum of 45 days from the confirmation of the receipt to the first answer. The average time for reviews in Sportis can be consulted in the web of the magazine, in the paragraph of statistics, as well as the percentage of accepted and rejected articles.

5.1 All the manuscripts, with the exception of the letters to Publisher, will be submitted to an assessment for pairs and double blind system.

5.2 Originals that do not fulfill something of the regulation, in relation to his presentation, will be returned for its correction before being assessed.

5.3 Every work will be reviewed at least by 2 experts of the broached area in the work and always anonymously.

5.4 The pairs copy editors will be able to suggest the rejection, the need of minor changes, bigger changes or the manuscript acceptance. The appraisals of the copy editors will be communicated to the authors in every request, as a whole with the publishing decision.

- In case of requesting minor changes, the manuscript will be accepted as soon as it includes the requested modifications, without need of new copy editors.

- In case of bigger changes, the manuscript with modifications will be assessed by one of the first copy editors with the aim to give the biggest coherence and fluency to the process. This new review will take a maximum of 30 days.

- In case of rejection, it will be editorial discretion the possibility of doing a new sending of the modified manuscript or its definitive rejection.

5.5 The accepted works will be assigned and published in the first number of the magazine available and in agreement with the needs of the Magazine. Authors will know this information and the publication date in the moment of acceptance.

5.6 Sportis fulfills strictly the publication dates of the numbers of the magazine, being the following every year: on January 1, May 1 and September 1. Three numbers are published each year with four-monthly periodicity. All the users registered in the magazine will receive in their e-mail every new number published.

6.- Sending of the manuscripts: Manuscripts must be sent only and directly to the editor of the journal, Dr. Víctor Arufe Giráldez, Editor-in-chief of the Technical - scientific Sportis Magazine, for this, the author should be registered as author and reader in the web of the magazine, and then, upload the article and access with his / her password to consult the process.



It is provided to the authors a list of aspects they must verify before sending the article. This checklist includes the most important aspects of the regulation. It is expected to avoid the rejection of articles for mistakes of format with this checklist.

þ The article has not been published before or neither presented in another magazine (or it has been provided an explanation in Comments to the editor).


  • The manuscript has been prepared following strictly the instructions indicated to the authors.
  • At least 50 % of the bibliographical references are of the last five-year period. It is used the format APA 6th edition.
  • The text is written with 1,5 space between the lines; the character size is 12pt in Times New Roman type; and all the illustrations, figures and tables are identified correctly in the text (tables with a centred legend at the top without bold letter, images and figures with a centred legend below them and without bold letter).
  • The margins of the page are 3 centimetres in the top and low edge and of 2, 5 centimetres in the right and left edge.
  • The abstract and the keywords will be with simply space between the lines and without tabulation. The distance between the title and the text will be 1, 5 points.
  • The title of the article in English or Spanish must be in bold letter, 12 points in Times New Roman type, 1,5 points of space between the lines and centred. Name and surname of the authors will be below the title and the authors must be separated by dot and comma. Below the authors will be written the centre of work and below this one, the contact email. This last information will be written without bold letter.
  • Every paragraph of the text begins with 1, 25 points of tabulation in the first line of the paragraph.
  • Tables and legends of the tables must be in 10pt Times New Roman type, the legend will be centred at the top with numbering and without bold letter.
  • The photographies, images, graphics and figures are in 10 pt Times New Roman type, legend at the low part, with numbering, centred and without bold letter.
  • I confirm that the metadata corresponding to the title, abstract and keywords of the article are in both languages (Spanish and English). Articles that do not meet this premise will be rejected.
  • I confirm that I am submitting two separate Word files. The first file incorporates all the data of the authors indicated in the submission regulations; full name and surname of all authors and their order of appearance, affiliations, ORCID and contact email of the main author. The second file incorporates the title of the work, abstract and keywords in both languages; Spanish and English, followed by the complete text of the work with the different sections or sections and finally the bibliographic references according to APA sixth edition standards and including the DOI of all the articles that have it.
  • I am aware that articles sent after January 1, 2024 will have to pay a fee of 150 euros if they are accepted. This fee will be paid once it is accepted and is necessary to maintain the quality standards of the journal.




Rights autoral of all the articles published in Sportis belong to Sportis. The publication of the present information in the magazine is authorised when it was correctly mentioned (Sportis).



Names and email addresses introduced in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purpose declared by this magazine and they will not be available for any other intention or another person.

Example presentation of article for its evaluation according to the regulation of the Magazine


Prior and acquired knowledge after a day of training on first aids in future teachers of Physical Education

Rubén Navarro Patón; Pablo García Marín; José Eugenio Rodríguez Fernández

Teacher Training Department. Lugo Campus. Santiago de Compostela University.







This research was intended to investigate (test) the knowledge of the students of master degree in Elementary Education from the Teacher Training Department of Lugo about their knowledge on first aid and C.P.R, before and after receiving a theoretical day training practice of three hours in three different ways (First(1)-exhibition-demonstration, Second(2)- solving a practical situation of the problem in small groups and third(3)- solving a practical situation of the problem with a large group). The sample (N = 23) consisted of 9 men (39.1%) and 14 women (60.9%) studying the degree of P.E. To find out the previous knowledge about the topic and at the end of the training session we created a test that was giving to them previous the training First test(FT) and after training day Second test(ST) to see the progress of the students after the training , a questionnaire with 25 items Ad Hoc was given. The descriptive results of the FC revealed a lack of knowledge of future teachers in the P.E topic of first aid. These procedures have been identified to make an improvement of the new teachers with appropriated training sessions. In data obtained from the ST, we reach on average more than a 90% of correct answers proving the efficacy of the methodology and duration of training given in short period of time. The retention of knowledge about this topic was shown as a limitation of the study and will be evaluated later on. In conclusion, the importance of the knowledge on the topic first aid and C.P.R in future teachers of P.E is proved after doing the test and is proposed as part of the topics to be taught on the degree.



Accidents; emergencies; protocols; initial assessment; training; final assessment.








The changes and modifications that have been carried out in the Primary Education, motivated by the Organic Law 8/2013 of 9 December (B.O.E. n º 295), for the improvement of the educational quality (LOMCE), and developed by the Real Decreto 126/2014 (B.O.E. nº 52), they lead to the future teachers of Physical Education to teach contents related to the prevention of injuries and first aids. This immediate reality is connected with our implication in the training of this subject in teachers, and with the importance of these contents as social and civilised values, they bring us to the need to reflect and analyze the knowledge of the first aids this type of group possesses (Navarro, Arufe y Basanta, 2015).

Regarding the recent legislative texts in matters of education, neither the Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) nor the LOMCE (B.O.E nº 295) mention in not a single section that one of the functions of the teacher is the immediate assistance in case of an emergency (Abilleira, Barcala y Abelairas, 2013). Nevertheless, as every person is compelled to act, at least to ask for help, such as it is indicated in the title IX, article 195 of the penal code concerning to the ‘‘omission of the duty of help’’ (Ley Orgánica 10/1995).



Table 1. Characteristics of the study sample.



Average (%)








AGE (years)









To conclude the present study we remember the first hypothesis: the future teachers do not have the suitable knowledge in first aids and RCPb. This hypothesis, in view of the obtained results, it can be accepted as valid, because the subjects of the sample, in spite of the fact that they answer better than expected, they do not have enough knowledge as to recognize a suitable training in them.

Moreover, it is necessary to consider the possibility of having any problem or accident in the classroom that requires the intervention of the teacher, and also the first aids appear in the official curriculum of Primary Education so, teachers must be prepared to teach these contents in the schools. In order to do this, teachers should receive training specifically for their studies because this is how the knowledge should be acquired so they can transmit them to the student body.





Bibliographical references

  1. Abelairas, C., Rodríguez, A., Casillas, M., Romo, V., y Barcala, R. (2014). Schoolchildren as life savers: At what age do they become strong enough? Resuscitation, 85(6), 814-819.
  2. Abilleira, M., Barcala, R., y Abelairas, C. (2013). Conocimientos y actitudes sobre la RCP de estudiantes universitarios de educación infantil, primaria y ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte. Trabajo Fin de Grado no publicado. Universidad de Vigo: Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte de Pontevedra.
  3. Colquhoum, M. (2012). Learning CPR at school-everyone should do it. Resuscitation, 83, 543-544.



Abstracting & indexing

Sportis Scientific Technical Journal has the following quality ratings:

FECYT Seal of Quality Spanish Scientific Journals 2023

JIF JCR 2022: 0.7

3º Quartile JCI of index JCR2022 Web of Science. Impact Factor 0.49 

1st Quartile Dialnet Metrics 2019. Impact factor 0.94 (Position 25/226 in EDUCATION and Position 10/43 in SPORTS).

1st Quartile Metric REDIB 2019. Global Qualifier 23.01 (Position 155/1160) EDUCATION.

ICDS of MIAR 7.3 in 2020

And it's indexed in:



English translation service for authors

The journal has an English translation service for those authors who want to use it. Those interested should send an email to requesting a budget about the text they want to translate. The cost per translated word is 0.10 cents

Publication frequenty

Sportis. Scientific Technical Journal of School Sport, Physical Education and Psychomotricity has a fourth-monthly periodicity, publishing a total of 3 numbers a year. The dates of publication of each number are the following: 1st January, 1st May and 1st September. Sportis guarantees the strict compliance of these dates, accomplishing in this way with the quality criteria established by many assessment platforms of scientific journals.

Digital file storage policy

Sportis journal has the computer support of a company dedicated to digital data processing. In order to guarantee the preservation of digital files, the following tasks are carried out periodically: Backup copies.

- Updating and maintenance of servers.

- Monitoring of the technological environment to prevent possible migrations of obsolete formats or software.

- Metadata of digital fact.

-Use of DOI.

In addition, the correct operation of the hardware used in high-performance professional servers and the software is ensured by updating the OJS versions and verifying their full operation.

The files published on this website are available in easily reproducible formats such as the PDF format.


Organizational structure and functions of the human team of the journal

In order to provide the greatest transparency of the journal. The structure of the assumed positions by the different members of the journal are published in this section as well as the roles of each one.

Nowadays, Sportis is in an expansion process and is incorporating new renowned teachers to its organizational structure. The final structure of this process will include the following positions and functions as detailed bellow:



Manages the journal and is the head of it.
Coordinates the staffassigned to the journal.
Disseminates and makes the journal publish by different means.
Establishes strategies to improve the positioning of it.

Associate Editors

Associate editors will support and advise the editor-in-chief.
They will assume the functions of the editor-in-chief in case of absence because of illness, sick leave or vacations.

They will do the task delegated by the editor-in-chief and those which could appear in everyday life.
They will be able to suggest improvements for the journal.

Section Editor

The journal has three section editors:
- Physical Education Section editor

- School Sports Section editor

- PsychomotricitySection editor.

Know the manuscripts and decide, firstly, which should be processed in relation to the basis of their connection with the scope of the publication and their requirements.
Accept the articles suggested by the External Copy editors and the Scientific Committee for their publication and continue the process of reviewing them, assigning the copy editors, reviewing the compliance of the regulations, etc.


Editorial Council

Advise the Editor-in-chief of the journal.
Support the editor-in-chief in the editorial policy of the journal.
Suggest recommendations to improve.
Control the editing and layout of the journal and the editorial process.
Disseminate and give visibility to the journal in their means and contacts.
The Editorial Council will be represented by professionals from different countries in order to promote it worldwide.
Guide the works accepted to a section editor.
Approve the final layout of the journal before its publication.

Department of translation

It is responsible for translating paragraphs and sections of the journal, as well as regulations and printouts.
It supervises the translation of abstracts, titles and keywords of the articles sent by the authors, avoiding the misuse of the English language.

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee's function is toguarantee the scientific quality of the journal and advise the Editorial Council on many issues as are demanded.
Review, approve or reject anonymously and using double blind system and review for pairs together with the external copy editors those articles sent for publication, indicating the reasons, improvement suggestions, etc.

External copy editors

Receive and review anonymously using double blind system and review for pairs, the articles sent by those authors interested in publishing in the journal.
Suggest or not their publication, explaining the reasons why they are accepted or rejected.

Guidelines for the author and reviewers

Information to reviewers and authors that want to send their articles
All articles sent to Sportis Sci J will follow a peer review process in an anonymous way. The reviewers will follow these guidelines to issue their decision. Each section of the article will be marked from 1 to 5 with the following scale of valuation:
1) Not at all suitable 2) Somewhat suitable 3) Suitable 4) Quite suitable 5) Very suitable
The following sections are established:

Title: It must be clear, concise and correctly detail the content of the work presented.

Summary: The summary should begin with a brief introduction or contextualization of the problem to be addressed and subsequently the objective of the work is defined. This should be followed by a brief review of the methodology used, then the authors will highlight the most important findings of their results and end with a brief conclusion. The abstract should not include abbreviations or bibliographic references.

Keywords: A maximum of 5 words will be incorporated that better define the content addressed, it is recommended to use the UNESCO or Sportdiscus thesaurus.

Rationale: The authors will present in one or two sheets the current state of the subject studied, the citation of relevant, current sources and a variety of studies related to the subject matter is prioritized. The rationale should introduce the reader to the context of the study and end with the hypothesis, research question or objectives of the same.

Methodology: The methodology must detail everything related to the research process, type of study, data analysis, ethical aspects, statistical treatment, etc.

Results: The results must be closely linked to the objective of the study. Information that is unrelated to the stated objective should not be exposed. They can be presented in multiple ways, through graphics, tables, text ... but always giving priority to their good readability and understanding by the scientific community.

Discussion: The discussion should present the findings for and against by other researchers of the results obtained in the study. A good discussion will be one that uses different authors, various national and international journals, and compares each of the results obtained.

Conclusion: The conclusions should not be very extensive, the authors should carry out a synthesis exercise and link their objective to the results, highlighting the most important of their work.

Limitations of the study: A reflection exercise should be carried out by the authors and describe the weaknesses of the work as well as the possible improvements that other researchers can make for future studies.

Bibliographic references: Only the references cited in the text should be cited. These will follow the APA sixth edition standards and will incorporate the corresponding DOI at the end of it.

General data: Work is given priority in its entirety, and its coherence between all sections, as well as its contribution to scientific advancement in a specific field of study.

Originality: The novel character of the research and the few studies in this field should prevail.


The maximum mark possible is 60 points, being necessary to achieve a mark of 35 points in order to make the decision of accepting it with or without modifications or assess it again.

Reviewers will take into account the following guidelines in each section:

Something as important as the title has to be cared, it is probably the section that more people read when the article is published, so, it must follow these requirements:
 Be clear.
 Be concise.
 Have a suitable amount of pages, neither too long nor too short.
 Reflect in two lines what work is behind the manuscript.
 Do not use abbreviations or symbols.
 Use valid descriptors.

The abstract, the title and keywords form the triad of the article. An abstract well composed must include a brief reference to all the important sections of the work, for this reason it will be assessed if the abstract has:
 One or two lines about the basis or the contextualization of the research.
 One or two lines about the objectives of the research.
 One or two lines with the methodology used.
 One or two lines with the most important results.
 One or two lines with the conclusions of the research.

The abstract should not:
 Include abbreviations, acronyms, symbols or formulas, unless their meaning is shown.
 Include results not presented in the article.
 Exceed the maximum number of words allowed.
 Incorporate citations or bibliographical references.

Keywords must:

 Reflect well the main contents of the research.
 Have between 3 and 5 words.
 Try to coincide with the current THESAURUS.
 Be in Spanish and English.

The basis is an important foundation of the article, it must be well written using good bibliographical references and providing a context for the problem or objective of the research with a suitable theoretical framework.
The amount of pages of the basis will depend on the type of work, for instance, if the work is a theoretical review, the basis will have an important prominence and it will contain a high number of pages. However, if the work is a case study, the contextualization will not be so long and it will be mainly referred to the existing legal and normative framework, justifying the intervention through the design of the case study.
It will be valued the wealth of the bibliographical citations from scientific journals of different nature, country of publication, language of the journals, international database, citation of different authors, etc. It is required the citation of articles already published in Sportis, by which we recommend to the authors the revision of all the articles in order to check if the topic of their articles is the same as the topic of works already published in the journal.
Generally, it is checked the following:
 The basis has many and current bibliographical references.
 The basis has not an excess of personal opinion from the author without being based on a bibliographical resource.
 There is a balance with the other parts of the work, not too short neither too long, always depending on the type of work.
 At the end of the contextualization, it is presented the objective of the work.
 The contextualization contains the foundations of the work, the basis of sustenance of what will be studied afterwards and which will be analysed through the research carried out.
 The objectives are defined and they also are measurable and assessable.
 Literal quotations and paraphrased quotations are combined.
 The definition of the problem is clear, concise, observable and derived from the theory and researches reviewed.

The methodology must have the instruments of collecting data, techniques, the sample used, methods, etc.
It begins with a description of the type of work presented: quantitative research, qualitative, descriptive, longitudinal, etc. Afterwards, the population or the sample of the work is presented, and how the procedure has been.
All precise details must be given in order to facilitate the repetition of the work to another researcher.
It is important to cite some works of authors that justify or guarantee the instruments and methods chosen or used by the author in the research.

Check if the methodology follows these requirements:
 It describes correctly the method and protocol used.
 It describes the sample and population of the research.
 It point out the work of investigation to which is concerned.
 Citation of previous researches that confirms the correct use of the instrument of collecting data chosen.
 Citation of previous researches that confirm and justify the type of research carried out: descriptive, qualitative, etc.
 Data processing, statistical programme, etc.

In this section, the author must present the results obtained but without interpreting them, they must be only presented through tables, figures, images, graphics, etc. Without abusing of a model.
The author must choose what results the manuscript provides, they must be enough and avoid the excess of information.
Check the following aspects:
 If you use statistics, you must incorporate relevant statistical information, grade of significance, etc.
 Combine graphics, tables, etc. correctly. Without abusing of a model.
 Place the results visibly, value if it is better to use a bar graphic, sectors, etc.
 Do not interpret the results, only describe them.
 Check if the results present the problem in a defined way and if they are related with the objective of the work.
 Avoid redundancy in the information.
 The results must be relevant and original.
It is a very important section, in which you discuss your results with other authors, being the moment of interpreting and discussing. A good discussion compares different results of similar researches to yours.
Verify if:

 The results are discussed with enough authors.
Here the author must provide briefly what was the most important part of his/her work and what provides to the scientific community.
Verify if:

 The most highlighted of the article is collected.
 If the author connects the results with the proposed objectives or hypothesis of the research, being achieved.
 Provides new knowledge to the scientific community.
 The extent is enough, neither too short nor too long.

Proposals of improvement and limitations of the research.
Check if the author points out in this section the lack he/she had and what he/she would improve when recommending it to other authors. This section can be included at the end of the conclusions.

Bibliographical references
There is a common error, which implies thinking that ‘‘Bibliographical references’’ and ‘‘Bibliography’’ is the same. The term that must be used is ‘‘Bibliographical references’’ because this term refers to the fact that the author used all the references in order to elaborate his/her work, and all of them are incorporated with citations in the text. In the case of ‘‘Bibliography’’, it is a term used in minor works such as works of students done for the classroom, and which does not implies the quotation but the student may consult a book, extract an idea and write this idea in the text, it is not a literal citation.

Depending on the type of work, the number of bibliographical sources will vary, it is not the same an empirical research or a literature review, this one must have a bigger number of sources.

Remember that in the references, only the sources available to the reader of the work must be included, which means that all of them must be publications, the works unpublished must not be cited.
Check if the manuscript follows these aspects:
 All the citations in the text are in the Bibliographical references.
 All the bibliographical references are in the text through citations.
 The current references are majority.
 Most of the references are from articles published in journals with high impact.
 If it is a topical issue, the sources of the work must be mainly from the last 5 years.
 If the topic is a literature review, the sources must be a minimum of 50.
 If the topic is different to a review, the minimum sources must be 30.
 Do not cite notes, practicum neither other materials that were not published.
 Include the DOI when it is possible.

General information
 First page of the article following the normative.
 Total coherence of the article.
 Type and number of tables, figures and images.
 Tables, figures, with their numeration and legend, in the case of tables at the top and below in the rest.
 Correct margins and page breaks.

Check if the article:
 Presents a topical issue.
 The topic is not a current topic but the point of view that the author presents is original.
 The topic is not original but is a good literature review.

Ethics and Malpractice

1. Editorial Board

- Journals should have editorial boards or other governing bodies whose members are recognized experts in the field. The full names and affiliations of the members should be provided on the journal’s Web site.

- Journals shall provide contact information for the editorial office on the journal’s Web site.


2. Authors and Authors responsibilities

- Any fees or charges that are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in the journal shall be clearly stated in a place before authors begin preparing their manuscript for submission.

- Authors are obliged to participate in peer review process.

- All authors have significantly contributed to the research.

- All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.

- List of references, financial support.

- Forbidden to publish same research in more than one journal.


3. Peer-review process

- All of a journal’s content should be subjected to peer-review.

- Peer-review is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers’ expert in the fiel