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Mónica Méndez Díaz
Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences. Financial Economics and Accounting and Modern Language Area. Rey Juan Carlos University. Madrid (Spain)
Juan José Fernández Muñoz
Faculty of Heath Sciences. Rey Juan Carlos University. Madrid (Spain)
Clara Martín Duque
Business Management and Marketing Department. Faculty of Commerce and Tourism. Complutense University. Madrid (Spain)
Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021), Articles, pages 78-97
Submitted: Feb 20, 2020 Accepted: Jun 7, 2020 Published: Feb 1, 2021
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This study provides information on the relationship between perceived quality and satisfaction. Perceived quality is measured through four chosen attributes which are the care received, the state of the facilities, overall cleanliness and value for money. Through a sample of the perception given by clients of hotel establishments around the world, the relationships and the weight of the different dimensions of perceived quality are analyzed with the intention of recommendation. For this study a wide database is used and it allows to identify which attributes are more important for the clients when evaluating the hotel services received by hotels of different categories.


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