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José María Prat Forga
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019), Articles, pages 1-16
Submitted: Mar 4, 2019 Accepted: Mar 11, 2019 Published: Jul 24, 2019
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The Jewish communities had an important presence a great influence in the Iberian Peninsula throughout the Middle Ages, leaving us multiple cultural traces, both material and immaterial. Noteworthy among others is the Casher method of making wine.
On the other hand, today, with the new motivations and expectations of more and more experienced and demanding tourists, who are looking for personalized activities, are developing multiple products based on cultural tourism, especially in the interior territories. Faced with this situation, the Network of Spanish Jewish Quarters has designed “Viñedos de Sefarad”, a wine tourism that allows visitors to visit wineries that elaborate and market their wine following the Jewish Casher method.
This article, based on a series of personal interviews with visitors of these wineries, analyzes the main factors valued by these tourists, and concludes that the motivations are different according to the main objective of the visitor, be it the purchase of casher wine or if, primarily, is oriented to consume cultural tourism, although also presents a series of common factors to both.


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