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Ana Belén Bastidas Manzano
Open Madrid University
Luis-Alberto Casado Aranda
Open Madrid University
Antonio Rodríguez Ruibal
Open Madrid University
Santiago Hernández Hernández
Open Madrid University
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019), Articles, pages 12-27
Submitted: Feb 15, 2019 Accepted: Feb 18, 2019 Published: Mar 15, 2019
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The tourism sector in Spain accounts for 11.7% of the GDP, thus being crucial for the job creation and business expansion. The development of technology linked to the Internet growth has helped the creation of online firms. Likewise, the tourist has now changed the way to purchase services: (s)he participates widely in the creation of the touristic product, hence improving his/her touristic experience. After an analysis of the technological evolution experienced by the tourism sector, the current research focuses on the concept of electronic word of mouth (e-wom) as a key piece for the positioning of tourism destinations/firms. Then, the paper explores how the virtual community minube, a small Spanish business developed in the Web 2.0 environment, has substantially improved the tourism experience of travelers.


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