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Daniel Moreno Muñoz
Universidad de Murcia
Ramón García Marín
Universidad de Murcia
Cayetano Espejo Marín
Universidad de Murcia
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2018), Articles, pages 16-29
Submitted: Apr 18, 2018 Accepted: Jul 24, 2018 Published: Sep 23, 2018
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The city of Lorca suffered in 2011 two earthquakes that caused 9 fatalities and material damage to homes and their historical heritage. Since then it seems to bet on the development of cultural tourism as an activity for its socio-economic progress and the revitalization of its historic center. To achieve this goal, the involvement of local actors is necessary; a population that knows and values it´s identity, heritage and culture in order to sell it in the best possible way. Is there a cultural and patrimonial identity recently built and reinforced in order to respond to the demands of tourists and visitors? Is there a complicity on the part of local actors in the city for this project to become a reality? In this investigation, the questions posed will be answered.


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