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Lilia Yolanda Noyola Aguilar
Universidad de Extremadura
Ana María Campón Cerro
Universidad de Extremadura
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2016), Monograph. Planning, direction and management of tourist destinations and products, pages 65-76
Submitted: Aug 27, 2016 Accepted: Aug 27, 2016 Published: Jul 10, 2016
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Today, despite the economic crisis that has emerged in recent years in different parts of the world, the tourism industry remains strong, growing, and evolving. New trends in the travel industry are directed towards cultural tourism, with tourists interested in history, art and intend to live authentic and genuine experiences. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to determine the perception of the authenticity of a cultural tourist destination and their relationship to satisfaction and loyalty. After analyzing the literature, a theoretical model that we propose to study the authenticity variables, satisfaction attributes, overall satisfaction, and loyalty is performed through the study of measures of centrality, dispersion, and correlation of variables. The results allow us to affirm that there is a positive correlation, although moderate, giving rise to further study of this behavior, in order to generate more knowledge in this research and formulate strategies for managing relational marketing tourist destinations through cultural authenticity.


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