Selection and indicators for the evaluation of the sustainable development of a tourist destination. Application to the municipality of Gijón
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This research is dedicated to, on the one hand, establish a set of indicator that will make possible the analysis of the sustainable tourism development of the several municipalities and, on the other hand, it is also dedicated to the implementation of the mentioned set to Gijon´s case. Once the conceptual basis are set about the main matters discussed, sustainable tourism and the use of indicators as a measurement tool, the system will be suggested. The indicators system is based on specific bibliographic references. Having the system been stablished, it will be applied to Gijon, after having gathered all the numbers and information necessary.Analyzing the results, what stands out is that Gijon is already working in terms of sustainability but there is a lack of communication and information about what they are really doing and achieving. Throughout this paper, it has been highlighted the need of a sustainable tourism model in destinations and that for achieving this, is necessary to have a tool that provides information about the previous situation of the destination as well as its evolution.
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