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Pedro Vargas Pérez
Hilton Birmingham Metrople
José Luis Leiva Olivencia
University of Málaga
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2015), Monograph. Application of new information and communication technologies to tourism, pages 62-81
Submitted: Oct 27, 2015 Accepted: Oct 27, 2015 Published: Jul 30, 2015
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Information and communication technologies are a very active field to offer added value to visits to a destination of a group of tourists. The destinations must provide technological tools capable of offering personalized, interactive information, etc. Currently it is very common to use tools such as guides or web pages that cover the basic needs of tourists, but they are insufficient resources, as the evolution of mobile devices has caused a change in the way tourists interact and interact. they get information. A specific case is the use of recommendation systems in mobile devices, which allows developing applications that enrich the tourist experience. In this area, the personalization of information through group recommendation systems is of particular interest. A prototype that uses recommendation techniques for group visits in an integrated destination management system (SIGD) is presented in this paper.


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