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Sagrario de Benito Rodríguez
Universidad CEU San Pablo de Madrid
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2010), Monograph, pages 83-112
Submitted: Jul 20, 2015 Published: Nov 10, 2010
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Our intention is to explain what Lourdes is and why people come to visit it. A walk through its symbols and buildings allows us to understand that the tourists, visitors, pilgrims and volunteers who come here from all four corners of the world are witnesses to hope and charity. A walk through Bartrès widens the vision of the route taken by Bernardette as the first pilgrim. This Mariana city, as an international centre for pilgrims and volunteers, enjoys a spiritual, artistic, cultural, natural, landscape and tourist richness. This richness, lived and shared on the basis of generosity and gratitude, ensures the comprehensive training of the volunteers, strengthening their human development at the same time as perfecting their French.


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Article Details


Archives Soeurs de la Charité de Nevers (2008): Carnet de notes intimes. Nevers, France. 2è edition augmentée.

Archives Soeurs de la Charité de Nevers (1978): Bernadette disait... Nevers, France. Espace Bernadette.

Ausina, Gérard yY Prodomi, Luigi: Lourdes. Versión Española. Ediciones Doucet-Lourdes.

Rodhain, Jean. Prêtre (2005): Lourdes, des fleurs inattendues. Biarritz, NDL Éditions.

Las publicaciones del Servicio Jóvenes cuyos textos han sido escritos por Padres Oblatos de María Inmaculada, y que pueden encontrarse a la entrada del Edificio Forum Centre d’Information en diferentes lenguas:

Chalvet de Récy, Yves y Bernard Dullier: En camino hacia Bartrès.

Chalvet de Récy, Yves y Claude Riboulet: Conocer el Santuario.

Chalvet de Récy, Yves y Bernard Dullier: Tras las huellas de Bernardita.