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The intervention of J.I. Linazasoro in the church of Valdemaqueda (Madrid)
religious architecture, memory, modernity, José Ignacio Linazasoro, Valdemaqueda (Madrid)Abstract
The problem of the relationship between the old and the new runs through the entire constructed work of the Spanish architect José Ignacio Linazasoro; in fact, his best projects are probably those in which he has had to work with pre-existences, establishing a dialogue between memory and modernity. This is especially true for their interventions in religious heritage sites, where he have worked to improve the conditions of use of these historic buildings or to give them another use. In the church of Valdemaqueda (1998-2001), the construction of a new nave, added to the pre-existing late Gothic apse, offers the architect the opportunity to make a suggestive reflection on the meaning of the liturgical elements in the current sacred space. With a contemporary but essential language, full of plastic references, he uses the fundamental elements of all architecture —materiality, light, space— to redefine the whole of the church.
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- Universidade da Coruña
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