What protestant architecture five hundred years later?

A look at the dispossession from Europe to Latin America, through the United States


  • Rodrigo Vidal Rojas Universidad de Santiago de Chile




religious architecture, protestant reformation, five hundred years, temples, Latin America


Formal and spatial diversity; the absence of clearly established typologies; the strong contextual character of places and cultures, among other aspects, make it difficult to identify a Protestant architecture in the singular. It is more correct to speak of Protestant architectures in the plural, due to their progressive historical reconfiguration and their different contemporary expressions. And to understand the architecture of contemporary Protestant worship buildings, as well as their probable future, we will examine eight unique stages of their configuration, extracting from each one the key elements of their reconfiguration.


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How to Cite

Vidal Rojas, R. (2017). What protestant architecture five hundred years later? A look at the dispossession from Europe to Latin America, through the United States. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 5, 332–349. https://doi.org/10.17979/aarc.2017.5.0.5162