DIGILEC: Revista Internacional de Lenguas y Culturas publishes original research articles related to the areas of Didactics of Languages and Literatures and Social Sciences. Published annually, it also welcomes scientific contributions from the areas of Specific and Interdisciplinary Didactics, Applied Linguistics and reviews of interest to the academic community. DIGILEC was conceived by the members of the research group DILEC at the University of A Coruña, located in the Department of Specific Didactics and Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education at the Faculty of Education. It is hosted by the Publication Service of the University of A Coruña and welcomes original articles mainly written in: Spanish, Galician, English and French. One of the main objectives of this journal is to bring together the studies and didactic experiences of different research groups and professionals working both at universities and in other educational levels.

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The Publishing Service at UDC has informed that during this and next week it is not recommended to use our platform because it is in an updating process to the new OJS system. Best regards, and sorry for any inconvenience this process may cause.


Editorial Team

Panel de revisores Nº 10 (2023)


DIGILEC International Journal would like to thank once again the reviewers who participated in the review of the articles published in issue 10 (2023) contributing with their excellent work and their invaluable contribution to the quality of the journal.

The list of reviewers can be consulted by clicking here.

Call for papers nº 11


DIGILEC: Revista Internacional de Lenguas y Culturas invita a la comunidad científica a participar con trabajos originales en la próxima publicación del volumen N° 11. La revista tiene un Comité Científico Internacional de gran renombre y funciona con sistema de evaluación por pares. DIGILEC publica artículos originales relacionados con las áreas de didáctica de la lengua y la literatura, así como con las áreas de didácticas específicas e interdisciplinares, además de rescates y textos de creación de interés para la comunidad educativa. La calidad científica de DIGILEC viene avalada por su indexación en las siguientes plataformas: Índices CSIC, LATINDEX, DIALNET, CIRC, MLA, ERIH PLUS, DOAJ, MIAR, ORCID, DULCINEA, SHERPA/ROMEO, WorldCat, BNE, Portal del Hispanismo, CRUE-REBIUN, Sudoc (Francia), Jisc (Reino Unido), Google Scholar y Carhus+. Recientemente se ha solicitado su inclusión en Scopus.

El registro y el inicio de sesión son necesarios para poder enviar contribuciones en línea y para comprobar el estado de los envíos recientes a través de la plataforma OJS.


Fecha límite de recepción de trabajos: 15 de Septiembre de 2024.

Para cualquier incidencia en el proceso está disponible el siguiente correo: digilec@udc.es

Vol. 10 (2023)

Published: 2023-12-21

Table of contents

The FLE's literature is actionally tested: The state of play

  • Alfredo Segura Tornero
  • Nadine Nuñez Morini
Published: Oct 13, 2023
Pages 20-35

The profile of the governess and Victorian female education in Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë

  • Blanca Paula Rodríguez Garabatos
Published: Oct 23, 2023
Pages 55-73

Using Moodle's branching scenario tool to teach and assess linguistic mediation strategies

  • Tatiana Sánchez Rodríguez
Published: Oct 26, 2023
Pages 115-131

Documentary sources to deal with Social History in the classroom. The didactic possibilities of the Catastro de Ensenada

  • Patricia Suárez Álvarez
  • Silvia Medina Quintana
Published: Oct 26, 2023
Pages 132-148

Addressing mental health through inclusive literary education

  • Patricia Martínez León
Published: Nov 2, 2023
Pages 149-161

Mozartherapy (Translation of chapter 10 from the book Pourquoi Mozart? by A. Tomatis

  • Alfredo Rodríguez López-Vázquez
Published: Nov 13, 2023
Pages 184-197

Introducing the PETaL approach in ECE classrooms in Indonesia

  • Putri Alfa Sobri Gabrina
  • María-Elena Gómez-Parra
Published: Dec 26, 2023
Pages 198-221

Book review: Paradigmas lingüísticos en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas

  • Patricia Fernández Martín
Published: Dec 4, 2023
Pages 244-247

Book review: Músicas encontradas: Feminismo, género y queeridad

  • Sara Arenillas Meléndez
Published: Dec 5, 2023
Pages 248-252

Teaching and learning drama: Las brujas by Agustín Moreto on stage

  • Alfredo Rodríguez López-Vázquez
Published: Dec 5, 2023
Pages 253-270
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