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David Martín Freire-Lista
UTAD - Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Quinta de Prados. 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal
Vol. 42 (2020), Artigos, Páxinas 69-94
Recibido: dec. 15, 2020 Publicado: dec. 28, 2020


Fuente de Cibeles of Madrid (Spain) represents Cybele goddess sitting on a carriage drawn by two lions. This sculptural set was carved in Montesclaros (Toledo-Spain) marble between 1777 and 1782. The sculptural set has experienced some modifications throughout its history. Two zoomorphic water-spouts carved in Colmenar de Oreja limestone, one in the shape of a dragon and another one in the shape of a bear, were installed in 1798. In 1895, the fountain changed of location, and two putti of Carrara marble were installed on the back of the fountain, expanding the rocky surface promontory on which the sculptural set stands. Two tiered basins made of granite were added in 1968, when the fountain acquired its current form.
A geotouristic route was created based on Fuente de Cibeles and its main building stone, Montesclaros marble. An exhaustive description of the fountain was made, and its construction history was reviewed to elaborate the route. In this way, alternatives that diversify the conventional tourist options of the city of Madrid are presented. In addition, scientific data on historical quarries and the marble that forms part of the emblematic fountain is provided.


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