Controversies and Opportunities of Digitalization for the Promotion of Women in Sub-Saharan Africa
África, digitalization, promotion of womenAbstract
The article addresses the controversies and opportunities that digitalization brings for the advancement of women in Sub-Saharan Africa. Digitalization could have an impact on women's access to financial, educational and health services, among others, but it also entails risks by reproducing inequalities and exploitative practices (e.g. the control of infrastructures by foreign companies). The research is carried out in the framework of the project “Digital transition, social cohesion and gender equality: mobile banking and digital female empowerment in Africa” (DIGITALFEM) which explores these phenomena in Guinea-Bissau and Tanzania, investigating the impact of mobile technologies and digital banking on women's empowerment. We conclude that, for digitalization to be truly inclusive and have potential for equality, it must not only contemplate local dynamics, respect cultural diversities and promote female autonomy, through digital literacy and the promotion of socio-emotional skills, in the face of global power structures, but also be socio-culturally compatible.
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