Atlánticas. Revista Internacional de Estudios Feministas nace en 2016 en el marco del Centro de Estudos de Xénero e Feministas (CEXEF), espacio de investigación, formación y diálogo de la UDC en torno a los estudios de género y/o feministas.
Es una revista de teoría feminista que se dirige sobre todo a los lectores y lectoras peninsulares y de América Latina, de enfoque interdisciplinar dentro de los estudios de género, y con sistema de revisión externa por pares de doble ciego. Acepta trabajos originales en castellano, gallego, inglés y portugués. 
Su periodicidad es semestral, y cada número incorpora un monográfico con diversos trabajos, varios artículos de temática libre y reseñas sobre libros de actualidad.

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024)

Violence against women and feminicide

Conceptualizing violence against women constitutes the most transformative contribution of Feminism to women's human rights. By defining violence against women as a consequence of discrimination, Feminism managed to remove it from the scope of the private sphere and point out its structural nature, rooted in practices and institutions; as well as differentiating it from other types of social violence.

Published: 2024-03-12

Table of contents

Presentation of the special issue: Violence against women and feminicide

  • Aimee Vega Montiel
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 01-04

For the life and freedom of Women: End to Femicide

  • Maria Marcela Lagarde y de los Ríos
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 01-26

Violence against women, about legal and programmatic perspective: A reflection from Mexico

  • Liliana Vianey Vargas Vásquez
  • Andrea Medina Rosas
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 01-21

Counting to make it count: progress indicators of the Belém do Pará Convention

  • Laura Cecilia Pautassi
  • Natalia Gherardi
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 1-23

Access to information as a women's right to a life free of violence

  • Mónica Maureira Martínez
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 1-16

Sociodigital Violence against Women

  • Aimée Vega Montiel
  • Daniela Carolina Esquivel Domínguez
  • Adina del Carmen Barrera Hernández
  • Carolina Pacheco Luna
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 1-31

Interview to Alda Facio

  • Adriana Lecona Escartín
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 1-15

Representations of male violence in Spanish public TV fiction: La otra mirada and Néboa

  • Nerea Cuenca Orellana
  • Sonia Dueñas Mohedas
  • Natalia Martínez Pérez
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 01-31
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