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  • Breno Angelo Cazzaro Menini
Breno Angelo Cazzaro Menini
Vol. 17 No. 2 (2023), Articles, pages 27-38
Submitted: Dec 9, 2022 Accepted: Jan 12, 2023 Published: Sep 1, 2023
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The town of Calonge in Catalonia, Spain, is known for its two forms of wine-making: the vi pagès, or ‘farmer’s wine’, which follows traditional production standards; and wines with a ‘designation of origin’, which use modern, mechanised processes. These two approaches to wine-making are reflected in the stories told to tourists during guided tours of the wineries in the area. This article presents an ethnographic analysis of the construction of these narratives in the tours offered by two wineries, one with a registered designation of origin and one without, and the differing dynamics between tourists and winery guides in each case. Narratives, interviews, observations and field notes were analysed using performance theory. The results reveal a similar narrative structure in both cases, based around five main axes. The findings also highlight the multiple voices of wine tourism and the opportunity presented by guided tours both as a tool of sales and marketing and as a form of resistance and social transformation for the preservation of Calonge’s cultural heritage.


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