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Alejandro González López
University of Oviedo
Enrique Loredo
Universidad de Oviedo
Daniel Herrera Arenas
University of Oviedo
Juan Sevilla Álvarez
University of Oviedo
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020), Articles, pages 47-59
Submitted: Jan 7, 2020 Accepted: Jan 21, 2020 Published: Jan 30, 2020
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Augmented Reality is changing the way we experience tourism resources and destinations. Despite the potential advantages of this technology, its adoption for tourism purposes in protected natural areas has been slow. This paper presents an innovative proposal for the deployment of augmented reality in the Royal Way of La Mesa (Somiedo, Spain). The Royal Way of La Mesa hiking route runs through a unique protected landscape that has been shaped by centuries of interaction between nature and human activity. Currently, however, autonomous visitors cannot fully avail of all the route has to offer. The solution designed and prototyped in this study demonstrates the suitability and applicability of augmented reality as a tool to improve tourist experience and expand the tourism potential of protected natural areas.


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