Faith and Romance

Christian Church Architecture in Japan and the Issue of the Wedding Chapels


  • Beate Löffler Technical University Dortmund



Japan, Church, Wedding Chapels, Building Typology, Cultural Appropriation


For a long time, Japanese church buildings were of little interest for Western observers. This attitude started to change since the late 1980s when Tadao Andô’s Chapel on the Water attracted Western attention, as did buildings by Jun Itami and Fumihiko Maki. The works of these architects fuelled the global search for a contemporary design of worship. However, their works also pose a discursive problem: hardly any of these intriguing buildings is actually a church or a place of worship in a more general way. These are largely event spaces to stage and celebrate a romantic relationship. The entrepreneurial background does not change the expressiveness and quality of the architecture itself, but it certainly changes the economic and functional contexts in which the building had been created and still being maintained. In addition, it also raises questions about the ways in which ideas of religion and architecture travel the world and carry meaning on both universal and local planes.


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Author Biography

Beate Löffler, Technical University Dortmund

Beate Löffler received an engineering degree in Architecture and majored in Medieval History, Economic and Social History and Hi story of Art afterwards. In 2009, she earned her PhD in architectural history with a study on the acculturation of Christian church architecture in modern Japan (TU Dresden). She led a research group on urban East Asia (University of Duisburg-Essen) and researched on the Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe at the University of Bochum before moving to Dortmund to study Transformations of Sacredness: Religious Architecture in Urban Space in 21st Century Germany. In 2020, Beate Löffler earned her venia legendí for history and theory of architecture with a research project on knowledge production and knowledge management in cultural communication between architects and engineers of western nations and Japan.


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How to Cite

Löffler, B. (2022). Faith and Romance: Christian Church Architecture in Japan and the Issue of the Wedding Chapels. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 9, 70–85.